Fake Heiress, True Queen

"That's enough! Have you not embarrassed the Kate family enough!?" Old Man Fors' furious tone scared Catherine's aunt so much that she stayed completely silent.

Fors turned around and walked towards her. He glared at her and growled, "If you don't want your face on the news tomorrow, keep quiet!"

Originally, Mary had meant to gain some more sympathy at Catherine's expense. She did not expect that Fors would yell at her instead. 

After all, Mary coveted the Kate family's inheritance more than anyone else. 

There were two sides to the story.

Not long after Catherine left the Kate family, her phone rang without any warning. She opened her phone and saw that the number was hidden.

"Oh? You already know?" Catherine spoke in a familiar tone, "As expected of an information broker. You are very well-informed."

"Miss Catherine, the boss asked me to contact you and pass on a message."

"Miss Catherine, we've some updates about your impostors. This time, they are well organized, thanks to Duke William. I've also found that he has a backer. Now, Duke William wants to ask for forgiveness."

"Oh, really? Then he'll have to wait for me for a while," Catherine said with a smile as she placed her luggage at the door of the Kate house.

After saying that, Catherine did not wait for a reply before hanging up the phone.

An organization was behind the scenes doing evil deeds using Catherine's name. It got so bad that she decided to personally investigate the matter and catch those imposters.

She threw her cell phone in the luggage pile and burned it in front of the Kate family's eyes.

After leaving the suburbs and turning two or three blocks, Catherine's heavy heart gradually relaxed a little.

Being a rich girl was not something she actually wanted.

After all, it was easier to just be herself – having a heart was nothing but a burden.

She took off her jet-black wig, revealing her eye-catching and strange silver hair.

She took off her lacy round collar, and the white blouse of her business suit appeared underneath.

She tore the long dress she was wearing, exposing her jarring pink skirt, dark leather pants, and boots.

She then took out a stick of lipstick from her pocket and finished reapplying her makeup.

The young lady, once playing the role of a daughter of a rich family had instantly transformed into a dominating queen.

Not only that, this transformation only took her two minutes.

Not long after, a black sedan stopped beside Catherine. The door was opened.

"Welcome back, your majesty." The man in the limousine said respectfully, which made Catherine chuckle.

"I've been expecting you, Duke William."

After the man instructed the limousine driver to drive toward the highway, he pulled out a bottle of champagne and filled two clean and clear champagne glasses.

"Oh... 'Paris flower'. I like this." Catherine took the glass of Champagne and smelled its aroma. She continued to comment, "Gentle and pure."

The curve of her lips made the man feel a little scared.

"I'm glad that it's to Your Majesty's liking," The man said carefully, "After all, the wine industry is booming. I hope that we will continue to have Your Majesty's favor in the future."

"Of course." Catherine continued to smile. Her gentle and deadly sneer was made of ice. It was intoxicating, yet at the same time, torturous. "But some mistakes are worth more than 10% of the profit. Wouldn't you agree, Duke William?"

"I completely agree with you, Catheri– Oh no, Your Majesty. It's just that I don't quite understand. What does Your Majesty need me to do to make up for it?"

The duke guiltily shifted his gaze to the scene outside the window. Through the seam in the middle of the curtain, he understood that the car was already speeding along the highway.

They were already halfway to their destination. Duke William's heart quietly relaxed a little. Looking at the situation, he should be able to protect himself. He might even get away with a little more profit.

"I heard that you're going to sell that piece of land in the Corning Heights." Catherine stopped smiling. Her ice-cold gaze was piercing, as if it would drill right through him.

The Duke knew that it was a matter of time before people found out about it. He had been relying on his identity as a duke to save himself, but he was not expecting Catherine's tough attitude. He could only say pitifully, "I had no choice... That detestable arms dealer is threatening me all the time, asking me to hand over the winery business to him."

"Duke William, I think you've misunderstood something." A trace of ferocity suddenly flashed in Catherine's eyes. "I hope you remember that the land isn't yours. You only have the right to operate the winery."