A Matter Of Life And Death

"Damn it..." Justin threw the nearly unconscious Catherine onto the bed.

"I must be crazy to think of bringing this woman home." Of course, it was too late for regrets.

Regardless of whether the girl was drunk or high on drugs, he could not jump to conclusions.

Therefore, Justin decided to settle Catherine down first and then call his colleagues for help.

He did not take off Catherine's shirt or pants. He did not even take off her shoes.

Catherine was currently unconscious and had lost the ability to take care of herself. Therefore, Justin took out the quilt from his room and covered Catherine tightly. After doing all this, Justin called his colleague.

"Hello, this is Drake." The call went through.

"Drake, buddy... Listen, you have to listen to every word I say, okay? I swear I'm not joking with you right now."

"Calm down, Justin. I'm listening, buddy. Tell me, what's the situation?"

"I don't know where to start..."

"Start from the beginning. Oh, by the way, I'm on duty. So please try to keep it simple."

"Okay, I'll try. First of all, you know, I have a habit of running at night, and then I met a lady with an extraordinary temperament in the park."

"So, did you get lucky?"

Catherine moaned from time to time because Justin was holding her under the warm quilt. Drake clearly heard this on the other end of the phone. Justin just looked in the direction of the bed and stood there at a loss.

"Oh my God, are you really taking care of her right now? Good for you. Hey, by the way, teach me how to pick up girls next time, alright buddy?"

Suddenly, Justin seemed to remember something as he opened the door and rushed into the living room. He rummaged through the trash can looking for the can of wine that he had thrown away earlier.

The can of beer was originally glued to Catherine's fingers. However, after seeing Catherine's condition, Justin was afraid that if he let her drink any more, she might be sent to the emergency room, therefore, he took advantage of Catherine's drunken state to dispose of the can himself. 

"Drake, I'm afraid you have to go to Forest Park on Time Avenue now. There are people having a party there."

"So you want me to pick up girls while I'm on duty? That's a good idea, but it's a little against the law."

"I'm serious, Drake." Justin glanced at the eye-catching "L" on the can and said, "This thing's is back in the market, the alcohol with a letter 'L' on it. Do you remember that molestation case half a month ago?"

"Okay, okay, I'm kidding. I'm on my way to the park. I get what you mean, but..."

"But what?" Justin heard a bad feeling from Drake's tone.

"This is dispatch. We've received a call from an eyewitness, there has been a murder in Forest Park, three dead and two injured. To anyone who's nearby, head to the location to take control of the incident." The radio call came at just the right time.

"Oh wow..." Justin was glad that he decided not to stay but brought the girl back instead.

"Control center, this is 021. We've reached the target location and are in the process of sealing off the road."

"Roger, 021."

"I'm sorry, I'm really very sorry, buddy," Drake said with a wicked smile, "Your off-time might end early."

"Roger that. I'll be right there. But I won't be wearing a police uniform this time," Justin replied with a helpless smile.

His intuition told him that this matter was not as simple as he thought. The "L" drink had already been listed as a prohibited item.

What kind of salesman would actually sell this drink to other customers?