Meeting Acquaintances

"It's a little too early to make such a conclusion. Find a way to find out as soon as possible whether it's the Temple Crusade or not. If It's true, immediately send the information to the intranet so that the members of the sect are ready to fight. If it's not, keep investigating."

"Yes, Godmother."

It was the weekend, but Justin was once again dragged to the police station by Drake.

"Hey buddy, did you sleep well last night?" Looking at Justin's listless face, Drake walked to Justin's side and asked loudly.

"Not bad."

"If you're up for it, I suggest you go to the interrogation room. If not, I strongly suggest you go to the interrogation room, anyway."

It had only been a few hours, and the interrogation room had captured a bunch of criminal suspects. Needless to say, it must have been an order from the director.

"Do you know who is in the interrogation room?" Justin dusted off the dust on his desk to make his desk look cleaner than before.

"It's a little girl. I heard that she was called here because she committed a crime. Now it seems that she has basically been cleared of suspicion. Today is the second time she came to the downtown police station, and the other police officers happened to be out again. Why don't... You come and help?"

"Interrogating suspects is the business of the interrogation unit. I belong to the homicide unit, buddy," Justin replied with a smile.

"Well, I thought that this kind of tender work should be left to a gentleman like you. The idiots in the interrogation unit only know how to pick up girls. Every time they see a cute girl, they can't even look away."

"Maybe they still don't fully understand the needs of women, and it's normal for women to misunderstand – just like the two got complaints last time. I don't know much about interrogation methods and techniques, I still think that the key to interrogation is communication."

"Kid, listen to me. If you were transferred to the interrogation department, you'd definitely beat the competition."

"Haha, Drake, old buddy, I know you're being sarcastic with me."

Just as Justin and Derek were chatting happily, the colleagues of the interrogation department ended the interrogation and brought out the person awaiting trial.

Justin immediately saw that the person who was brought out of the interrogation room by his colleague David was none other than the woman he had rescued from the Forest Park – Catherine.

At this moment, Justin immediately sprang up from his seat and moved forward.

"Miss Catherine?" After seeing Justin, Catherine was slightly surprised, but she still greeted him politely, "Hello."

Beside him, David suddenly felt like a third wheel. He pointed at Catherine and asked, "Do you know each other?"

Justin nodded immediately. "Yes. We've met a few times, and... We've talked."

Justin did not know what he wanted to hide, but David did not seem to want to know, so he said, "It's great that you know each other. It just so happens that the record is closed. You two can talk."

After David left, Justin and Catherine stood face-to-face, smiling, but neither of them said the first word. They just kept giggling, and even Drake was worried.

"Um... Ah... Well..." Seeing Justin's awkwardness, Catherine broke the awkward atmosphere with a smile. "Hello, Mr. Gentleman. I've just moved, I'm staying at 11 Lahaier Street. If you want to talk to me, you can find me there."

After saying this, Catherine bowed curtly and ran away from the police station.

"Go after her, man! Go after her! Why are you letting her escape!?"

"Don't be silly. You know I'm not that kind of person." Justin was a little embarrassed. He always felt that it was not wise to use his identity as a police officer to strike up a conversation with her. It would always seem like he was taking advantage of her when she was in danger.

"Oh no, I almost forgot to ask her!"

Justin suddenly thought of something and ran to the entrance. Justin ran to the door and found that Catherine had not left yet.

He ran to Catherine while panting, which really gave her a fright. "Are... Are you okay? What's the matter?"

"I almost forgot to ask you just now. What case did you come to the police station for?"

When she asked this, Catherine smiled and said wickedly, "Aren't you a police officer? Why are you asking me?"

"Miss Catherine, you've misunderstood. I didn't want to use my identity as a police officer to pressure you to tell me. I just thought, as your friend, I'd ask you about your situation, see if you're in trouble, if you need my help, that's all, nothing more."