You're Late

"Don't be silly, child. Your doctor is Uncle Pompey. Have you forgotten?"

"It's precisely because I haven't forgotten that I hate dealing with him," Link said in disgust, "He will always hold a grudge."

"At least you have someone who cares about you, right?" The Godfather changed the topic and continued, "I'm afraid that's why I want to support her."

"But she's an irrelevant person, a pitiful person that you used."

"Child, you're wrong. She's not that kind of person. I didn't have that kind of thought. And I knew from the beginning that Catherine Crawford would never let me control her life. So I decided to let her go and let her fight. At first she would just wait for her prey. But once she had the urge to hunt, she wouldn't hesitate to take you down. For her, it seemed like she was the only one who could beat her."

8 p.m. Lahaier Street.

Still unsure if it was the right thing to do, Justin showed up.

He held red wine in his left hand and two glasses in his right hand.

Just like that, he held these two things and stood foolishly in front of the door. He looked at the door number 11, but he did not have the urge to go forward and ring the doorbell. He seemed to be considering his entire existence.

"Godmother, Mr. Justin seems to have been standing in the crowd for more than half an hour. You see..." Trent looked at the infatuated man, and admiration rose in her heart.

"Ignore him. He just doesn't have the courage to confirm his doubts. In the hearts of men, curiosity doesn't always occupy a place in their hearts," Catherine complained.

She was willing to believe that Justin was someone who really wanted to make friends with her, but she was also more willing to believe that the male police officer who was standing in the crowd was understanding and analyzing the layout of his room.

"Mr. Justin seems to be a little hesitant." Trent continued to monitor his every move.

"You'd better wait for him to make a move before reporting to me." Catherine really didn't like Justin's timid and cautious personality.

The opportunity was right in front of him, but he chose to wait. No wonder he was still living alone.

"Excuse me, do you need me to do anything?" Trent asked kindly. She even felt that at this moment, she wished that she could be more cordial.

"Uh... forget it. you'll only make him feel more uncomfortable." Catherine was trying hard to persuade Trent to give up this idea.

"Please forgive me, Godmother. From the current perspective, I think he might be more interested in the case you're involved in."

"I know that you don't mean that I'm not attractive enough, but I think so too. He's a police officer. It's impossible for him to ignore such a thing. He'll only want to solve the case, at least to give his officers a reasonable explanation."

Catherine was not surprised that Justin would be so hesitant. She had already seen his shy look when he was at the police station.

"I have to say, he does think a bit too much." Trent could not quite understand what the stiff police officer was thinking. If he had the time to be in a daze, he might as well go back to the police station to work the case.

"Yeah..." before Trent could finish his words, Catherine heard the doorbell ring.

"Do you want to go downstairs to greet him, Godmother?"

"Forget it, you can just bring him upstairs. I won't go down." Catherine leaned on the sofa, looking a little tired.

After Trent opened the door, he let Justin, who was standing outside the door, in after a gust of cold wind. After closing the door, she led Justin to the living room of their apartment and waited for Catherine's next instructions.

"Ms. Trent, you can go back. If there's anything, I'll call you again. Also, thank you for everything you've done for me before. Thank you.".

In order to dispel Justin's suspicion of her, Catherine and Ms. Trent looked at each other for a while. Then, the two women worked together to put on a show.

Trent understood and immediately replied, "No problem. If you need anything, please feel free to contact me." Trent took out a business card from his pocket and handed it to Catherine.

"Okay, if I remember anything, I'll contact you immediately." Catherine pretended to be innocent.

The moment Trent closed the door, she approached Justin and looked at him with an innocent and charming smile. "You're late. How can you make it up to me?"