
Fu Sichen immediately chased after her. Tang Yu gritted her teeth and ran, but Fu Sichen caught up to her very quickly. He reached out and grabbed her clothes.


Tang Yu screamed. She finally saw the elevator in front of her and rushed over. At that moment, the elevator door opened and a hand reached out from inside.

Tang Yu rushed over to the hand but was pushed away gently by it. Then, she stood there in a daze and watched Fu Sichen being pulled into the elevator.

The elevator door closed, and a man's loud cry came from inside.

"Mu Hui, what are you doing..."

Before he could finish his sentence, there was another series of punches and kicks, followed by another scream!

When the elevator door opened, Fu Sichen was lying on the ground like a pile of mud. His face was swollen like a pig's head, and his eyes were similar to a panda's. He could not even open his eyes, and his mouth was like a sausage. He was unable to close it.