You Have to Remember Me

The woman on the other end of the phone had a hoarse voice.

Fu Siye instantly frowned. 

"Mu Hui? What's wrong?"

Mu Hui endured the discomfort and explained her situation. With difficulty, she asked, "Will you come?"

This was the first time that Mu Hui had asked for help from someone. All along, she thought that she was a very strong person.

She had endured so much by herself, but when she heard Fu Siye's voice, her rationality instantly collapsed.

She did not know when it started, but she seemed to have gotten used to his existence.

This was too unlike her.

"I'll be there right away. You hold on, you..."

Before Fu Siye could finish his sentence, Mu Hui's line was disrupted and became busy.

He immediately hung up and rushed to the scene with his men.

However, by the time they reached the scene, the road had already been sealed off.

He grabbed a person and asked, "What's going on?"