The Power of Trust, the Birds of Paradise's Loyalty

The worldwide bird-watching exhibition hosted by the British Royal Family had more than 20 countries from all over the world as guests.

Among them was naturally Austria. As the Princess of Austria, the playful Maria did not hesitate to set off for the exhibition.

Long before the exhibition started, she had already noticed the handsome Bingley, and even more so the bird of paradise in his hand.

Instantly, Maria's eyes lit up, and her heart filled with great interest.

This was because the bird of paradise in Bingley's hands was simply too beautiful. be it its feathers or its demeanor, it was impeccable in all aspects!

Furthermore, she also had a pet in her home. Just like the bird in Bingley's hands, it was a bird of paradise.

However, it was a female bird. In terms of appearance, it was naturally not as good-looking as the bird in Bingley's hands. However, it had a pure bloodline!

From the looks of it now, Bingley's bird of paradise was likely to have an extraordinary bloodline as well.

It was very likely that it belonged to the most primitive lineage of the bird of paradise, just like her own bird.

In addition, she had recently reached the estrus stage of the bird of paradise. Therefore, an idea suddenly appeared in Maria's mind.

That was to buy the bird of paradise in Bingley's hands and take it home to mate with her own bird, so as to breed better offspring.

As a princess, Maria was usually pampered and pampered. She was used to using money to measure everything. She even felt that it was a form of charity for her to personally go up and talk to the commoners..

Even though Bingley had extraordinary looks, in her eyes, he was nothing more than a slightly better-looking commoner.

As long as she opened her mouth, she should hand it over with both hands and offer it to her respectfully!

What's more, he had paid for it.


However, facing Maria and her two attendants, Bingley's expression was strange. He felt that the other party was somewhat like an idiot!

These three people suddenly appeared and used such an arrogant tone to talk to him, as if they owed him three to five million.

Where did this sense of superiority come from?

Moreover, he did not lack money!

So what if he was an Austrian Princess?

This was England..

Furthermore, the bird of paradise in his hands currently didn't belong to him. Instead, it belonged to the owner of the Hundred Birds Forest, Edward.

Even if it was truly in his hands, he didn't wish for the bird of paradise to return to being a caged bird.

He wished for the bird of paradise to be able to fly freely in the sky and display its beauty, and not become a plaything that was trapped in a cage for others to admire.

Bingley looked at the other party with a face full of black lines. "I'm sorry, but my bird is not for sale. Even if I gave you a price, you wouldn't be able to afford it!"

Hearing Bingley's words, Maria was instantly stunned. She had never thought that this ordinary commoner would actually dare to speak to him in such a manner!

"Impudent, watch your tone..."

The two attendants were instantly agitated. They went forward and prepared to grab Bingley's collar.

However, at this moment, Maria stopped his attendant in time. Then, she said indifferently,

"It's your honor to be able to speak to you personally. You should feel fortunate

"Furthermore, the bird in your hand seems to be extremely sick. It's clearly a sick bird. It's obvious that you can't take good care of it

"You brought it here to participate in this exhibition, right

"With its current state, I'm afraid it won't be able to obtain any good rankings. You might as well sell it to me!"

"If you sell it to me, I'll let you take advantage of it. You should be content!"

Maria's tone was still as arrogant as before. There wasn't the slightest bit of respect for Bingley in her words, and there was even a faint hint of sarcasm!

Bingley immediately laughed coldly. "Then I'm really sorry. I'd rather not have such an honor!"

"Moreover, I have great confidence in my bird. I believe that he can get a good ranking in this competition. It's not impossible for him to even become the champion!"

At this point, the little white dragon sitting on Bingley's shoulder seemed to sense its master's emotions.


Immediately, it let out a mighty howl towards Maria and the other two, as if saying that it also believed that the bird of paradise would be able to obtain a good ranking.

As a bird of paradise that possessed the bloodline of a phoenix and had a unique background, its intelligence was not low to begin with. Therefore, it was naturally able to understand the conversation between Bingley and Maria.

Perhaps it had sensed Bingley and the little white dragon's confidence in it, a unique feeling instantly arose in its heart.

The way it looked at Bingley also gradually changed..

[The bird of paradise's loyalty + 1 + 1 + 1...]

[The phoenix bloodline density is slowly increasing...]

The system's voice was transmitted back into Bingley's mind. Sensing the change in the bird of paradise, Bingley turned around to look at him.

Following that, he smiled faintly and gave it a look of trust.

Sensing Bingley's encouragement, the changes in the bird of paradise's body increased explosively once again!

[The bird of paradise's loyalty + 5 + 5 + 5...]

[The phoenix bloodline's density has increased explosively...]


The prideful Maria saw that Bingley was unmoved, and even dared to refute her!

As the Princess of Austria, when had she ever received such treatment?

Her willowy eyebrows shot up. Just as she was about to fly into a rage out of humiliation, she suddenly noticed the little white dragon that was perched on Bingley's shoulder.

To be honest, this strange creature looked like both a bird and a reptile. Although it looked strange, it had a unique charm!

Now that Maria wanted to get the little white dragon's interest, it was instantly far greater than the bird of paradise in his hands.

Maria rolled her eyes as she immediately thought of a good idea.

"You believe that your bird of paradise can win the championship. I believe that this year's king of birds will definitely belong to me. How about this, let's make a bet!"

Bingley calmly asked, "How do you want to Bet?"

Maria smiled slyly and pointed at the little white dragon on Bingley's shoulder. "If your bird of paradise can not win the championship, then you will give this pet on your shoulder to me!"

As soon as these words came out, Bingley immediately frowned, while the little white dragon felt even more humiliated.

It roared loudly at Maria and the other two, and prepared to release its dragon's might to smash these three disrespectful people to pieces!

"Roar! ! !"

As a divine beast, the little white dragon's bloodline was extremely noble, and it was absolutely not allowed to submit to anyone!

Of course, other than Bingley, after all, among his people, Bingley was not only its master, but also its father.

"Sure, I'll accept your bet, but..."

Bingley placed his palm on the little white dragon's head and gently comforted it, preventing it from acting up.

"If you lose, how will you compensate me?"

Maria said, "If I lose, I'll give you my bird of paradise. It's currently being placed in my hotel!"

"Don't worry. Although my bird of paradise is a female, and its color and appearance can not compare to yours. In terms of bloodline, my bird of paradise is considered to be the most ancient existence!"

"You won't lose out on this bet..."

Won't lose out?

This was a dragon!

Originally, Bingley did not want to use the little white dragon as a bet. However, the little white dragon was clearly enraged, and could not wait to personally accept this challenge.

When the bird of paradise saw how protective Bingley was towards it, it couldn't help but sigh.

The concentration of the phoenix bloodline in its body continued to rapidly increase, and it was already showing signs of breaking through its limit.

Perhaps accepting this bet would be an opportunity for the bird of paradise to break through.

With this in mind, Bingley nodded. "Alright, then it's a deal. We'll meet again in an hour!"

After saying that, Bingley brought along the little white dragon and the bird of paradise and left without looking back.

The instant he turned around, the little white dragon standing on Bingley's shoulder even howled twice at Maria, expressing the dissatisfaction in its heart.

Meanwhile, Maria's gaze when she looked at the little white dragon grew increasingly fond of it.

Up till now, she had yet to see such a miraculous creature. She had to obtain it and bring it back to study it properly!

"Let's Go!"

After letting out a soft cry to her two subordinates, Maria left the place with full confidence.

She was determined to win this bet.

After all, Bingley's bird of paradise was in such a depressed state. How could it possibly obtain a good ranking, much less become the champion of the exhibition. It was simply a fantasy..