Big Brother! This Dragon Is Playing a Game!!!

Speaking of the two dragon thieves sent by Andrew, their origins were not small either. They were famous thieves with superb local techniques!

These two people, one big brother and one little brother, were both members of the Italian Mafia.

Besides smuggling and selling drugs all year round, stealing became their biggest source of income!

From the villa of a wealthy family to the cottage of a commoner, as long as there was something valuable, they would steal! They had stolen for more than ten years and had never failed..

Therefore, Andrew had invested a lot in hiring these two people.

After all, two people who had a 100% success rate in their careers were not cheap.


After receiving the mission, the two of them disguised themselves and put on their night suits, not directly coming to Bingley's villa.

After using the drone to investigate the structure of the entire villa, they chose to climb in from a fence in the backyard.

The moment they entered the courtyard, the two of them were immediately shocked!

It was actually so f*cking huge!!!

There were also artificial mountains, artificial lakes, and even a few buildings in the courtyard behind the villa!

What was even more terrifying was that as they walked deeper, they discovered many shiny decorations in the courtyard. They were all real!!!!

The rockery was inlaid with gemstones, and the bottle in the hand of the angel sculpture was made of pure gold!

On the path leading from the villa to the hospital, there was also a ten-carat diamond inlaid on both sides every 100 meters!

At this distance, a rough scan revealed that the curved path was at least 3,000 meters long.

In other words, there were at least 60 diamonds inlaid!!!

The other scattered buildings and street lamps were also inlaid with crystals and agate.

Based on their years of experience in stealing, the two thieves were sure that these were all 100% authentic!

What kind of f*cking family was this?!

The two of them were as shocked as thunder. After more than ten years of stealing, there were at least 500 houses, villas, and mansions that they had entered.

However, none of them dared to compare to this place. The two of them were dazzled by the rare treasures in the courtyard.

One of the younger brothers said in a daze, "Big Brother, why don't we stop working and dig up all the jewelry here overnight? Then we can wash our hands of this and leave!"


Big Brother slapped his younger brother's head and said with slight anger, "Every family has its own rules and every action has its own rules. Since we have accepted the case, we have to be honest!"

"There's no reason to stand someone up halfway. Besides, aren't you afraid of being chased by the organization? If you don't want to live, hurry up and take the dragon Away!"

After saying that, the big brother rubbed his eyes and took the lead to walk along the wall towards the villa.

The little brother followed behind and glanced at the surrounding jewelry reluctantly. In the end, he gritted his teeth and followed..

Using the Iron Hook, the two climbed up to the second floor and peeked through the window. The little brother found that someone was playing games inside.

When he looked in more closely, he was immediately shocked and his entire body went numb.

"Big-Big Brother... The dragon... The dragon is playing games!?"


Hearing this, the Big Brother who was lying on the side looking around suddenly frowned and slapped his little brother.

"You motherf*cker, did your eyes go blurry from Last Night's Big Healthcare?!"

"The dragon is playing games? Why don't you just say that the dragon is m*****bating? I can still believe it!"

The little brother immediately said with an aggrieved look, "Big Brother, I really didn't lie to you. If you don't believe me, you can see for yourself!"

Seeing that his little brother still did not change his words, the big brother sighed helplessly, "Your brain is probably not good. Scram, scram, scram, I'll see for myself."

Then, he raised his head and looked into the window.

It did not matter if he did not look, but when he saw it, he was shocked!

There was really a dragon playing games?

Not only was it playing games, but there was also a big bird next to him that was spitting fireballs!!!

It was like a f*cking magic trick!

While the little white dragon was playing games, the phoenix was not interested in these things at all. So she had been lying at the back and taking a nap out of boredom.

After playing for a while, it opened its eyes and saw that the little white dragon was still playing games.

It had no choice but to raise its head slightly and spit fireballs in its mouth to pass the time.

This scene happened to be seen by Big Brother who did not believe it.

It was no wonder that he was so shocked.

In his panic, Big Brother slipped and fell backward. The rope in his hand was not tightened, and he was about to fall down the second floor.

The little brother instinctively pulled the rope towards the big brother, but...

Both of them fell down the second floor.

Fortunately, they were on the second floor and the position was not too high. In addition, the grass on the ground was quite soft. The two of them had good physical fitness, so they did not have any problems with the fall. However, the pain made them grimace.

"F*ck, it hurts so much..."

"Big Brother, do you believe me now? The dragon is really playing games!"

"All right, all right, shut your dog mouth. I know that the dragon is playing a game. Help me rub my butt. It hurts!"

The two robbers did not dare to speak loudly. They could only rub each other's butts and shoulders to relieve the pain... but they did not notice that behind them, a giant dog with three heads was slowly approaching, and its body was emitting the aura of death.

The little brother, who was helping his big brother rub his buttocks, suddenly felt a chill on his back, so he looked back curiously.

In an instant, his entire body went numb..

"Big Brother!"

The little brother patted his big brother's buttocks. At this moment, he was already numb.

Big Brother was a little angry. "What's the matter now?"

The little brother wanted to cry but had no tears. "If I said that there's a dog with three heads behind us, would you believe me?"

Big Brother was suddenly stunned. "Bullsh*t!"

A dragon that could play games and a bird that could spit fireballs were already ridiculous enough.

Now his little brother said that there was a dog with three heads behind him. Was that not f*cking ridiculous?

In his anger, he turned around and wanted to slap his little brother on the head.

But before he could even let out a slap, the big brother was stunned.

He also saw the three-headed dog and was instantly dumbfounded.

F*ck, what happened today?

He must be dreaming.

At this moment, less than half a meter away from the two of them, a tall, pitch-black, three-headed dog was staring straight at them.

Its eyes were scarlet red, and saliva dripped from the corner of its mouth.

What appeared in front of them were the three Tibetan Mastiffs who had absorbed Cerberus'blood essence.

No, they shouldn't be called Tibetan Mastiffs at that moment. They should be called...

Cerberus from hell!!!

The three-headed dog had already noticed them when the two thieves had entered.

It was just that it hadn't figured out the other party's intentions yet, so it had been watching silently.

However, the other party was really too slow. Cerberus could not stand it anymore, so it directly walked up to investigate.


With a furious roar, the cold air from hell instantly pounced on the two bandits from Cerberus'mouth.


After a scream, the two bandits rolled and crawled out while Cerberus chased after them.

In the end, the two bandits who used all their strength finally managed to escape. They used the secret underground passage that the Mafia had set up in Yunding city to escape.

When Bingley and Elizabeth, who were cooking in the kitchen, heard the cries of the two bandits, they were momentarily stunned. They raised their heads and listened carefully.


What is that sound?

Could there be a burglar in the house?