A Dog with Three Heads? Do You Think I’m a Gullible Three-Year-Old?!

Officer Jones was dumbfounded by the phone call from the guard on duty tonight.

Police dogs of any breed were highly trained and would not easily disobey orders.

How was it possible for a police dog to run away and escape after going in and out 50 times?

As the chief instructor who trained these 50 police dogs, he had long developed feelings for the police dogs.

Moreover, he was very familiar with the performance of the police dogs. It was impossible for these 50 police dogs to do such abnormal behavior.

Officer Jones frowned and thought to himself, this matter is definitely not simple!

Then, he immediately put on his clothes and quickly drove back to the dog training center from his home.


At this moment, Cerberus had already led more than 50 police dog teams to run in the direction of the thieves.

In the middle of the night, a dog team was running on the streets of Yunding City. It was a shocking scene!

Fortunately, it was nighttime. If someone saw it in broad daylight, it would definitely cause a commotion and a crowd.

There were no signs of people on the streets at night. Furthermore, the scent of the thieves was intermittent, making it difficult to determine their direction.

Even though one could rely on the clothes fragments to determine the most basic direction of the scent, the specific direction was still very vague.

What even puzzled Cerberus was that the scent seemed to be faintly discernible, as if it extended underground!

"Woof, woof, woof!!!"

[We will split into three teams and search the three main passageways in the north. If there are any abnormalities, we will howl and call for the other two teams!!!]

[King... King...]

The more than 50 police dogs immediately responded to Cerberus' orders and scattered in all directions. They split into three teams and ran toward the three main passageways.


At this time, the police officer had already arrived at the dog training center. When he ran to the rest area at the back and saw that there were no police dogs, he was dumbfounded

They really ran away?!

Then, he quickly turned on the computer to retrieve the surveillance footage to check the whereabouts of the police dogs.

Police officer Jones, who was very familiar with the performance of police dogs, raised his ears when he saw the police dogs rush out of the police station. The corners of his mouth slightly opened to show his excitement.

He immediately understood that there was definitely something fishy about this incident!

Only when they encountered criminals would the dogs show this kind of expression when they were excited!

Therefore, he hurriedly put on his law enforcement recorder and notified the police station to bring a small team along. He also called the social news media along the way.

He drove the police car along the road where the police dogs were running and followed them..


Cerberus ran along the main road in the middle. There were more than a dozen drug-sniffing dogs behind it.

Due to the drug-sniffing dogs' usual training methods and professional abilities, their keen sense of tracking their enemies was naturally more outstanding than other dogs.

Sniffing the clothes fragments again, the drug-sniffing dogs finally found a new route..

Soon, the drug-sniffing dogs were discovered. After a howl, more than fifty police dogs gathered together again and looked at a small dark house in the suburbs ahead.

"Woof, woof, woof!"

[The end of the smell is here!] The Doberman dog said to Cerberus.

Then, Cerberus nodded and stared at the small room. With a slight movement of its four feet, it slowly led the police dogs over.

This was the suburb of Yunding City. It used to be a small town, but with the development of the economy, people had long moved away from here.

Therefore, there were many abandoned small wooden houses left here. Ordinary people would not come here at all.

The Mafia who lived in Yunding City were very smart. They knew that there were too many people and too many eyes, so they chose this place as their secret base.

They randomly chose an inconspicuous small wooden house and dug a tunnel under it to build a secret base.

Usually, all the shady activities they did were carried out here. This was also where the mafia members set up their nest.

Moreover, there were many illegal items and ill-gotten gains from theft.

From the outside, there was no light in this place. It was just an abandoned small wooden house.

However, if one walked into the small house and pulled open the wooden planks below, they would find another world.

There was a 3,000-square-meter basement that was isolated by steel plates. No matter how loud the sound inside was, it could not be heard from the outside.

There were countless sacks piled up in the corner. Inside were many illegal drugs and drugs that were not allowed to circulate on the market, as well as a lot of stolen money.

At this time, there were more than 30 people standing in the basement.

In front of them, a middle-aged man with a muscular face and a suit was sitting in the leader's seat.

He was the leader of these members and also the leader of the Mafia branch in Yunding City.


At this moment, there were two people kneeling at his feet. They were the two brothers who had escaped from Cerberus and returned to the base through a secret passage.

Ten minutes ago, they had told their boss everything that they had experienced.

However, their boss did not believe such a strange thing at all. He even thought that the two of them were trying to find an excuse for their first failure in their ten years of thievery.

The two of them were very glad that they had escaped. They had encountered so many terrifying things tonight, but they did not expect to be able to return to the base alive.

As the big brother among the thief brothers, he looked at Jarvis with a terrified expression and said, "Leader, you have to believe me. It's not that we don't have enough expertise, but that villa is too terrifying!"

"Yeah, it's too terrifying. Let's give up on this mission!" The younger brother also quickly said, "We can't eat this mission!"

Big Brother cried. He could not help but shiver when he recalled the previous scene.

"That's a dragon! It can actually play games!"

"Behind it, there's a bird that can spit fireballs. It's really big!"

"That's not the scariest thing. It's that big dog with three heads. Oh, my god..."

Looking at Big Brother's terrified look, the little brother could not help but cry. He hugged his big brother and cried.

"Big Brother, that dog even bit my butt. It hurts so much!"

Big Brother quickly comforted the little brother, "Don't cry, don't cry. We'll go get the rabies vaccine tomorrow. It's good that we didn't get bitten to death!"

The little brother said fearfully again, "Big Brother, that dog has grown so big and has three heads. I'm afraid it has mutated. Do you think a normal rabies vaccine will be useful?"

Hearing this, Big Brother was stunned.

Yes, it was bitten by a dog with three heads. Would a normal rabies vaccine work?

For a moment, even he was in a daze..

Around him, more than ten mafia members were stunned when they heard this.

This matter was like a f*cking story...

Jarvis' mouth twitched when he heard this, and blue veins popped up on his closed eyes.

What the hell was this..

A dragon that could play games, a bird that could spit fireballs, and a dog with three heads?

Was this something that a normal person would say when they had a healthy IQ?

If it was a dog bite, Jarvis believed it. After all, looking at their clothes that were about to turn into strips of cloth, and the bloody holes in the east and west, it really looked like they had been bitten by a dog.

But if they were bitten by a dog with three heads, weren't they lying to a three-year-old child?

What kind of dog had three heads? Could it be Cerberus?

How f*cking funny!

What kind of dragon could play games? Was that even possible?

He was making a fool out of him. Even if he failed the mission, he had to at least make up a proper excuse, right?

He was not taking this seriously...


Jarvis punched the chair, his face full of anger.

"Do you take me for a fool? Do I look very gullible to you?!"

When their leader got angry, the Bandit brothers panicked and quickly explained,

"Leader, you really have to believe me. I really didn't lie to you. When we went in, we didn't see anyone. We only saw a dragon playing games. Behind it, there was really a bird that could spit fireballs!"

"And that three-headed dog, it's really terrifying. If you don't believe me, look at the injuries on our bodies. Look, look..."

Hearing his subordinate's report, Jarvis' lips unwittingly twitched.

Mission failures were common. Even if it was a failure, it would only be a small punishment. However, if he lied to him, it would be trampling on his dignity as the leader.

Moreover, he lied to himself and made up such a terrible lie..

Thinking of this, Jarvis calmly pulled out his pistol from his back and loaded it.

Big Brother and the little brother were so scared that they wet their pants. They hurriedly knelt down and shook their heads.

"Leader, leader, you believe us. I really didn't lie to you!"

"Yes, leader, don't kill us. We really didn't lie to you!"

Jarvis did not hesitate at all. He pointed his gun at the two of them and spoke fiercely.

"We have our own rules here. Failure of the mission is understandable!

"But if you're lying to me, then there's only one way!

"You can't even make up a reason. A dragon playing games, a dog with three heads... Do you think we're all idiots?!

"In your next life, learn how to lie!"

After saying that, Jarvis moved his fingers slightly and was ready to shoot the brothers.


Suddenly, a loud noise attracted everyone's attention.

Next, a series of dog barks came from outside.