You Must Promise, Helena


Revania's voice still sounded friendly, although it sounded hoarse. Helena could hear every breath from Queen Aarez sounded difficult and tight.

"Your Quen Majesty, what did you call me for?" Helena asked nervously.

Louis noticed Helena's attitude, and his expression was too flat. Even Revania could not guess whether her husband was in a happy or sad state.

"King Louis?" Call Revania.

"Yes, what is it? Do you need anything?" Louis asked and approached his wife. Helena still looked down. She didn't dare to look directly at Revania's face, especially when she was with King Aarez.

"Yes, I do need something. May I ask you, my king?" Replied Revan.

Louis took his wife's hand, patted her on the back, and gave her a quick kiss on the forehead. "Just say it."

"Can you give me some space? So I can talk to Helena?" Revania asked, with a sweet smile that adorned her pale face.

"But... Will you be okay, together with her?" Louis asked again, and he seemed reluctant to grant her wife's request.

"What could Helena possibly do to me? With so many guards out there, she can't even touch the tip of my fingernail. Even if it's just a little." Revania said, trying to convince her husband.

"Okay, ten minutes. After that, I'll go in, and she..." Louis immediately looked at Helena.

Helena, aware of herself being the center of attention, lowered her head even more in fear. "... And she shouldn't linger here after all." Louis continued firmly.

Not long after, Louis and several other guards had left Revania's room.

The Queen and Helena were in the room, but Helena still kept her face down. She still maintains her manners in front of Queen Aarez.

"Helena? Why are you still there? Come closer, and raise your face." Revania said. Because all this time, Helena just standing in front of the end of the bed.

"But Queen, you are sick and would not be polite if I..."

"Helena, this is an order, so hurry up! We only have ten minutes." Revania said, a little annoyed. Helena obeyed, and she also straightened her face.

Helena felt uncomfortable, seeing Revania's appearance had changed a lot. It is clear how Revania's condition is now there are no wigs that she usually uses.

Replaced with a beautiful muted yellow knit hat, but the slits in her eyes and jaw-dropping cheeks showed the sides of her bones.

Indicating that Revania has endured the pain for a long time, Revania's body looks very thin and it makes Helena feel sad.

"Queen Revania? Hk... hk... hk..." Helena's tears just flowed, unable to see the condition of Queen Aarez who was previously very beautiful. It was now a far cry, and all that was left was a pale face that looked at her meaningfully.

"Why are you crying? Is my condition making you sad, Helena?" Revania asked and wiped Helena's tears.

"I... hk... hk..." Helena said with mixed sobs. She took a breath, so she could speak politely in front of Queen Aarez.

"I'm sorry, Her Queen Majesty. I really didn't expect to see you again. But under many different conditions." Helena said, and she had stopped crying.

"You don't have to worry about me, Helena. What happened to me is a destiny, which can't be changed. But what will happen to this country, we can still change." Revania held Helena's chin, making the two of them look at each other.

"What do you mean, Queen Revania?" Helena asked confused.

"Hhh..." This time it was Revania who took a deep breath. And she put both hands on his lap.

"Before I went in and was hospitalized. Me and Louis, we fought."

"What? Fight, you can fight with King Aarez." Helena said, imagining that Revania was very brave to argue with the King.

"However, we are husband and wife. Fights are unavoidable for this relationship." Revania continued.

"We fought because Louis wouldn't care about his country. If I left him for good." Revania's eyes turned sadder.

"He forced me to survive for his sake, but I really can't, Helena. This pain is making me suffer so much. I can't stand it for long."

"Queen Revania, you must endure. You will definitely recover." Helena again shed tears. She really didn't have the heart to Revania's statement just now.

"Helena, you must promise me. No matter what happens, you must be beside King Louis. Make him care about his duties as a leader again, don't let the people of Aarez suffer." Revania gripped Helena's hands, gripping them tightly with her sad gaze.

"But how? Quen Majesty, I am only a commoner. The lucky one to set foot in the palace." Helena said desperately.

"I'm not commensurate with you, Queen Revania. Moreover, have to live side by side with King Louis.. Just looking at me, I can already feel his deep hatred to me." Helena said, frustrated.

"Helena? I know who you are and how you are now." Revania tightened her grip even more.

"Are you think a Queen Aarez would carelessly choose a mate for King Aarez? The answer is no, Helena."

Revania's words made Helena straighten her face again.

"I know you, Helena because I've been watching you for a long time. You're a smart girl with all your uniqueness. You're a woman who has a big soul because you never hesitate to help others you don't know." Praise Revania.

"But still, I won't be able to accompany King Louis. I don't mind if the King wants to kick me out of the palace." Helena is still desperate and tries to continue to refuse Revania's request.

"Helena, listen to me. The fate of this country is in Louis' hands! But if he doesn't care! Then you're the only person I can ask for help." Revania looked at Helena's face with teary eyes.

"Do I have to prostrate and worship you? So that you will help me, Helena?" Revania cried and tried to get out of bed.

"Queen Revania! No! You can't do it! I beg you!" Helena resisted Revania's desire to get out of bed. So she could prostrate and worship her.

"So, are you going to help me? Are you going to promise me, Helena?"

"Yes... yes, Queen! I will promise!" Helena said with a sad face.

"Thanks, Helena. I know this seems difficult for you, but it's not really." Revania held Helena's cheek. "No matter what happens, you must fight so that King Louis can choose you as my successor." Revania's words stopped because the bedroom door suddenly opened.

Louis and her bodyguards entered the room, Helena immediately stepped back, and again she lowered her face.

Louis, who was already close to his wife, looked alternately between Revania and Helena.

"Are you okay?" Louis asked suspiciously because he could see Revania's wet eyelids.

"It's okay, we're fine," Revania said.

"Helena, you may return to the palace. The guards will accompany you." Louis orders.

"Yes, Your Majesty King Louis," Helena replied awkwardly.