How Strong You Can Hold Your Lust, Louis

Helena was still in the bathroom. She was still silent and stared at the exit, which was still tightly closed. While continuing to rub her shoulders, the water droplets began to reminisce on the floor surface because of Helena's dress which was still very wet.

Helena's lips had started to turn pale. She was cold in the bathroom. She felt like he wanted to go out immediately, find something warm and also change her clothes. But right now, what Helena felt was a sense of fear.

"Cih… you're looking for death, Helena. How can you be shameful like that? Where do you put your face at this time? What punishment will I receive? Oh gosh, I hope this head is still safe and not beheaded," Helena muttered fearfully.

After a few seconds, Helena thought back. Finally, she was ready to raise one of her hands to grip the doorknob. With a sigh, she began to turn the doorknob.

Helena trod carefully, paying attention to her surroundings. Of course, she was still in the king's spacious chamber, but… was Louis still in there?

"Come on, Helena. You have to change your clothes immediately, and…"

Helena had just stepped on her feet. Suddenly there was a figure of Louis blocking the way in front of her.

"Your Highness? You… you are in the room?" Helena asked nervously, and why should that question come out of her mouth.

"Has your passion no longer flared up, Empress Helena?" asked and sarcastically Louis. He watched Helena from head to toe.

"Use this, and quickly change your clothes. I've already had the maid prepare new clothes for you."

Helena was surprised when she saw King Aarez handing a white towel to her. Staring alternately between the towels and the look on the King's face, Helena didn't immediately take the towel because her mind is still filled, with feelings of excessive fear.

"Helena?" Louis's voice was heavy and loud, making Helena startled.

"Yes… Yes, Your Highness. Me?"

"Quickly take this towel, don't make my patience run out. It's past midnight. We don't even pray for Revania." Louis cut in. He gave Helena a scary annoyed face.

Helena no longer answered. She immediately complied and took the towel from Louis' hand. The man, who was eight years older than Helena, immediately turned around, and Helena could only see the back of the king, who was sturdy and amazing.

"Helena! Are you crazy? Is that effect still there? Why is your mind still… ah… this is messed up." Helena shook her head rapidly, trying to keep her sanity for the moment.

"But… who would dare to do this to the king's food? Obviously, I didn't, and… Huh…" Helena's eyes widened quickly as she thought of someone's figure.

"Could it be… Rima? Did she do it?" said Helena, who guessed in uncertainty.

Helena tried to get rid of the many questions that were on her mind at that time. Then she continued to walk towards Louis' room. Seeing the king who was sitting on a large red sofa.

Louis' hair was left loose, almost touching his shoulders at the front. He was no longer wearing his national robe. Wearing white pajamas with light black stripes. On the collar, several buttons are left open.

Louis' eyes looked straight at Helena. His face was too flat. And Helena couldn't tell if Louis was still angry or not.

"Your clothes are there, quickly change or do you want to sleep wet like this," said Louis who sounded commanding to Helena.

A transparent artificial barrier has small wheels that are easy to move. It is about two meters high, made of cotton in a pastel brown color.

A white nightgown was placed on the top side. She doesn't know how long it's been there.

But why did Helena get an uncomfortable feeling? Because the location of the partition is quite close to the chair Louis is currently sitting on.

"What are you waiting for, Empress Helena? Do you want to tease me again? But seeing your attitude that has changed like this, it seems… you've lost your passion?" asked Louis, and he didn't show a smile for Helena.

"Emmm..." Helena swallowed her own saliva, feeling scared and anxious as she thought about what answer she would give to King Aarez.

"Are you going to stay in that chair, Your Highness?" asked Helena innocently. But Louis reacted by frowning. Again he gave Helena a nasty look.

"What are you afraid of me, Helena?" asked Louis.

"Scared? No… that's not what I meant!" Helena replied and she tightened the towel that was already pinned to her shoulder.

Helena still felt the cold, "What I mean is… if I change clothes there. Wouldn't my body be seen by you, Your Highness?"

"This woman? Hh… for a moment, she looks like an ordinary adult woman. But in reality, she is just a child that I married? Damn… why am I stuck with all of them. Oh… Revania, why did you also choose a young girl like this for me!" Louis thought in annoyance as he gave his temples a massage.

"It's weird when you feel embarrassed, even though it was only a while ago that you looked so excited, Helena. And just by changing your clothes, you feel embarrassed in front of your husband? If I wanted, I could even make the barrier not exist. And I can see you directly change your clothes!" said Louis, who was already very angry, and he also tightened his face even more.

"I only said a little. Why did he answer in such a long sentence?" Helena thought angrily.

"I'm sorry, Your Highness. I didn't mean to..."

"Helena, if you keep talking, I'll really kick you out of this room. So hurry up and change your clothes because I was tired, to take care of a little kid like you!" Louis quipped on purpose.

Helena re-confirmed her belief. She no longer dared to refute the statement. "Okay, I'll change my clothes."

With forced footsteps, Helena walked over to the baffle to change clothes. Although she also had to pass through Louis, who couldn't escape Helena's sight.

Helena was already behind the barrier. Her silhouette was visible. As she began to let go one by one, and Louis enjoyed the sight in front of him.

"Let's see Louis, how strong you can hold your own lust." He thought, and now he could see Helena's innocent-looking body behind the barrier. Every move made by Helena made him pay close attention.

"I'm curious, why did Revania choose you, Helena. What's so great about you, aren't you the same stupid as my other two consorts. What's so great about you, Helen? That Rima dared to put medicine in my food and drink?" said Louis was still looking at Helena, who was wearing her clothes.