Wet And Intoxicating Kiss

It was as if an electric shock had struck Helena's bloodstream, a feeling that was hard to describe when she enjoyed the kiss on the lips of the King.

Is this just Helena's feeling alone? When Louis continues to play with his saliva in a very intoxicating motion.

It felt wet, even too wet, and this was the first time Helena had felt such an extraordinary sensation. And the first time Helena realized, that Louis was sucking each of his lips for a long time.

It felt so stiff, Helena couldn't keep up with the kiss on the lips with King Louis. She just surrendered, followed, and of course, enjoyed. Not to mention every touch of Louis's fingers, which began to play on Helena's slender neck.

Louis did not know what was possessing him. Why also Helena? Why not Dilara or Emira? Why did he have to touch the young woman who was with him right now?

Louis's blood seemed to be boiling rapidly, a hot feeling that kept rising from inside his body. So that he wants to release that desire as a normal man. It seemed that he wanted to immediately give all of his greatest wishes to Helena.

Even Louis' hands were satisfied exploring every surface of Helena's skin which felt smooth and soft. He brushed Helena's hair very easily and seeing the side of Helena's face that looked stunning on him.

Louis realized that Helena was starting to be provoked by his passion. Her body responded well to what he was doing. Even though Louis knew, if Helena still couldn't keep up with his very turbulent fondling.

The couple seemed ready to make love. The late-night and cold made them want to warm each other's body temperature. His caress began to go down Helena's neck, making her empress churned when there was a wild sensation that made Helena's mind drift and get drunk.

Louis' thoughts seemed to be surprising him. The image of Revania's face flashed through his mind. Beautiful memories appear, together with the woman he still loves to this day.

When Helena was ready to serve King Aarez, when her desire was in high turmoil. Suddenly, Louis stopped their game, even keeping his distance from Helena's face.

Helena was silent, not because she couldn't speak at the time. But she was confused. What was going on at that time?

She can only see Louis's flat face. Is King Aarez angry with her?

"I'm sorry, Empress Helena. I can't do it," said the King, as he rose from his seat.

Helena's heart sank uncomfortably, even though only a few words came out of Louis' mouth. But why made her feel something so suffocating. Even Helena couldn't bear to look at Louis' face directly.

Is it because of shame? Disappointed? Angry or sad? Helena didn't know and couldn't be sure, what she was feeling right now.

Helena wanted to say something, but her lips just moved erratically. No sound came out. Everything was stuck in her throat. Only irregular sighs could be heard at that moment.

"I hope you can understand my situation. It's better if you rest tonight. And tomorrow morning, I will make sure there is a royal doctor, who checks your condition," Louis explained and he was standing straight.

Helena could only see the back of the king, and the man said without looking at Helena's face.

"I'm going to the reading room, and you don't have to wait for me," Louis said again.

After saying the necessary things, Louis even walked away and leaving Helena, who was still bewildered.

The sound of the bedroom door opening and closing again signaled Louis' departure. It was then that Helena shed tears,

"Why should I cry? Hk… hk… you're so stupid, Helena!" Helena said hoarsely.

"Why? Why… why should I cry?" asked Helena kept looking for the answer, because that was the only sentence that kept ringing in her mind.

With a thick blanket wrapped around her innocent body. Helena bent her legs, curled up in silent solitude. And the tears continued to flow profusely,

"Why? You're so stupid! Why are you crying, Helena?"

Helena was too annoyed with herself, patting her chest that felt tight. Thinking… maybe that way can make Helena calm down, and the tightness in her chest can disappear.

That late-night Louis was in the royal private reading room, his favorite place to unwind. The guards guarded the front door. They were used to Louis's attitude that occasionally couldn't sleep soundly.

A large window with a curved top, wide open and offers a beautiful night view. The dark sky was bright, with a sprinkling of stars and the moon shining brightly.

A long chair without a backrest is directly below it. And there Louis was now, sitting with his legs stretched out straight, while he enjoyed the view of the night sky.

Louis' hands were raised as if he was hugging someone.

Yes, that place is the place where he and Revania are often together. Talk to each other, or exchange opinions about the future.

But all that was in the past, too beautiful for Louis to forget. His love is still so strong for Revania, a woman who has always been faithful to accompany Louis. The woman who had sacrificed a lot, even until the end of her life.

Even Revania was still thinking of a replacement for herself so that she could accompany Louis.

"Revania? I…" Louis' voice became hoarse, and his tears had escaped.

In front of him is the shadow of Revania was sitting with a sweet smile. Her blonde hair was beautiful when reflected by the starlight.

Was this just Louis's hallucination? If that was the case. It felt so beautiful for Loius. Making him unable to bear to hug Revania,

"I miss you, Revania. Why? Why?"

Louis tried to reach Revania, trying to hug his wife, who passes away. But the shadow faded and slowly disappeared from Louis' sight.

"Revania! Please don't go! Don't leave me? Why did you have to leave me, Revania? Don't we both love each other, don't we both promise to take care of each other until the end of old age," said Louis was too annoyed.


Louis' scream was loud, breaking the silence of the late night. Anyone who heard the screams of King Aarez would be able to feel his sadness and anger.


Morning – Treatment Room.

"Fortunately, your wound is not too deep, Empress Helena," said a Royal Doctor. He had just finished checking on Helena and handed a medicinal cream that had been applied, to a female nurse.

"I suggest if you need to take a rest. Don't move too much because your wound should dry up in a few days," said the doctor.

Helena is no longer lying down. She is sitting wearing the dress of Harika's choice. A dress with an open back, but the wound on the back is neatly covered with new bandages.

"Doctor Akio?" Call Harika approached the doctor, who still looked young.

Akio's face is not like the citizens of Aarez. He comes from the land of sakura which is very far from the country of Aarez. Because of his skills, he can get a job in Aarez Negara Country, a square face with his distinctive little eyes.

"What's wrong, Harika?" asked Akio with a small smile.

"Is… the wound going to scar?" asked Harika, who was worried, but Helena seemed normal and not interested in Harika and Akio's conversation.

"Of course, every wound will leave an imprint. What more I know, this is a lash wound." He explained and gave Helena a concerned look.

"It's okay, Doctor Akio. The whip didn't hurt me," Helena replied with a bland smile.

"Empress Helena, you are indeed strong. I have to admit, even if the guards don't really put their energy into it, still something like that will hurt, be it with a great or small force." Akio tidied up his equipment, and the female nurse was his assistant, immediately took over politely.

"Scars? Mmm..." Harika still looks irritated.

"What's wrong, Harika?" asked a surprised Akio.

"Doctor Akio, can the scar be removed. You know that an empress must..."

"I understand." Akio cut quickly. "Of course you can. Sophisticated modern technology can do it easily."

"I don't want to," Helena said suddenly, and she got up from her seat.

"Er… Empress Helena. But why? don't you want to remove the scar?" asked Harika, who followed Helena's footsteps.

"Will removing the scar allow me to forget how I received the wound?" asked Helena with an annoyed face.

"Come on, Harika. I want to go for a walk today. Or can we just study, or..." Helena was thinking. She didn't want to talk about her wound.

"Or can I see my Grandma? Please… I miss her so much." Helena's gaze turned to be pitiful and full of hope.

Harika seemed hesitant to answer.

Akio knew that he shouldn't be between the two young women. Immediately said goodbye to the nurse, "Empress Helena, I have other work to do. Feel free to contact me if you experience any other pain."

"Thanks, Doctor Akio, but... don't worry. I'm a strong woman, so you don't have to worry too much like that." Helena puffed out her chest, giving a wide grin to reassure Akio.

"Very well, I believe in you, Empress." Akio also replied with a small smile.

After Akio and the female nurse left the treatment room, only then did Helena lose her smile.

"Ah…. So boring in here. I want to get out of this place, Harika," Helena complained as she looked up. But Harika immediately grabbed Helena's arm, pulled her, and didn't forget to close the door to the treatment room tightly.

"Empress Helena, I want to talk to you." Harika holds Helena's hand tightly and only released it when she was sure she was far enough from the entrance.

"Harika, what's wrong with you? Why did you become so strong? What did you eat for breakfast?" Helena whined while Harika gave an annoyed look.

"Empress Helena, what exactly happened last night? Why is everyone talking about you and King Louis? Why is King Louis sleeping in the reading room this morning?" asked Harika with a face that showed curiosity.

Helena pursed her mouth immediately. Her cheeks puffed up rapidly. It made her face look weird at that time because she remembered last night's incident with the King.