Louis Aarez's Love And Anger

Still on Flashback Mode.

"Princess Calista?" Harika called back, and not long after, the sound of crying was muffled and disappeared.

"Hmm, what's wrong?" Harika thought in confusion.

At the same time, the bedroom door opened, and a woman with long and straight black hair had opened the bedroom door for Harika. 

  Her eyes looked red, and she looked annoyed at Harika.

"How dare you look at me, what do you want, a lowly maid!" Calista cursed in annoyance.

Harika immediately lowered her gaze, not wanting to get into trouble again. "Princess Calista, I just wanted to give you a special silk blanket," Harika explained.

"Just put it there! I don't need a blanket! And, quickly! You get out of my sight!" Calista orders with a rude attitude.

"Okay, I..."


The bedroom door was closed again before Harika had finished her word. She had to hold back her anger at that time.