In The Arms Of The Prince Of Orion

"Oh, My..!"

One word was said by Helena's mind when she saw another pair of brown eyes. His gaze was very attached and was able to make Helena's heartbeat wildly again.

"What's wrong, Helena? Why are you still silent? Are you angry because I didn't give you an answer?" asked Louis, who hadn't let go of the tip of Helena's chin that was already in his grip.

"Your Highness, why are you still discussing this matter? Didn't you tell yourself not to talk about it anymore? I think if we should end this conversation." Helena turned her face away immediately.

But Louis quickly re-directed Helena's face. So that both of them could stare, though with the irritation that illustrated by their gaze.

"How dare you turn your face away? Aren't you afraid of me now, Helena?" asked Louis, feeling offended.