Helena : At Least! You can care more about your own child!

Helena rushed to leave the event that was still going on. She headed for the restroom with shaky footsteps.

Inside the small room, she immediately took off her shoes which were actually not very high. But still, it made her feel pain. And it was proven, on Helena's ankles, the skin peeled off.

"Is Harika still angry with me and deliberately chose these shoes?" Helena is suspicious. Who knows if Harika is still angry with her.

"Because it hurts so much. Why are the laces long like this? How can a pregnant woman wear shoes like this," Helena said and looked back at her injured skin.

"Ah… not to mention my back hurts. Damn! Just to see Louis, and I have to act like this! Just look at him now! He still not paying attention to me," Helena cursed, and she put her shoes on the side of the sink.

"Do I just go back and leave the celebration. Ohh, Helena, you really look stupid right now." Helena looked back at the mirror, seeing her long blonde hair.