Helena's Tears & Decisions

Helena's eyes widened even more, and her grip on William tightened. "What?" said Helena quite loudly.

"Was what I just said not clear?" Henry's sly smile reappeared. "Can I carry him?" he asked again.

"What for?" asked Helena, reluctant to give her son away.

"Just to see him, what's wrong, Empress Helena? Are you feeling scared because of me? Oh.., come on. Don't worry because I don't intend to hurt anyone right now," Henry has stretched out his hands. Even his feet have stepped towards Helena.

Helena seemed confused about what to do because William had quickly changed hands. "Ohh… I beg you. You have to hold him carefully," Helena warned.

"What is this?" asked Louis, who had just appeared. He looked annoyed at Henry, who was carrying at William while stroking William's cheek at that time.

"King Louis, your son is very handsome. It seems… I can't wait to have a Queen," said Henry with a wide smile.