Helena: "Let me go! DON'T DO THIS TO ME!"

The days passed by Helena, are no longer as comfortable as she imagined. With all the strict supervision carried out by Henry, through the guards who put a tight guard on Helena.

Even Dorothy seemed to keep her distance from Helena. She will check all the equipment that has been used to make sure Helena didn't do anything bad to herself, which could hurt her at that time.

Helena was in the royal garden. She was reading a history book about the Orion Kingdom's Members. And several other books regarding the development of the Orion state.

"Mmm… So actually, the previous king, King Frederik, was he just an adopted son? So weird? Usually, the descendant of the king will be the leader," muttered Helena.

Her position at that time was Helena sitting on the red carpet, with some snacks that Dorothy had prepared. And several guards, watching from a distance.