I Can Treat You With Great Satisfaction, Helena!

Ava had just arranged the cake she had just finished decorating, lots of thick white cream with cherries that looked fresh and tempting.

"Today is Jasper's birthday. I hope he likes my cake. And… Ariana didn't forget, did she?" she muttered under her breath in thought.

There was the sound of a door opening and soon a loud slam.

"Jesus, what is that?" Ava said in surprise.

"What is this?" She walked a little forward, then saw the figure of Helena had just arrived with hurried steps.

"Ariana? What's wrong?" asked Ava, who had come from the dining room, which was her kitchen.

"Hi, Ava," Helena answered briefly, then entered her bedroom by slamming the door.

"Hh!! Young lady. Where are your manners?" Ava said as she stroked the place itself.

Before long, Jasper appeared with red cheeks that left bruises. Making Ava approach her granddaughter,

"Jasper, what's with your face? And is this a claw?"