Storms In All Directions

Titan's capital city.

It was located in the center of the southern border, facing the Magical Beasts Mountain Range from afar.

Amongst the towering high-rise buildings, in the most central area of the capital city, was a bustling building.

Three well-dressed nobles were gathered there.

Excluding Titan's royal family, the three people sitting in this bright and luxurious meeting room could be said to hold more than 50% of the resources of Titan Kingdom. Excluding the world's richest Bakka family, who was in charge of the Chamber of Commerce, the remaining three richest were all sitting here.

The Electroluk family, who was in charge of more than half of the magic potion business and resources on Titan Continent.

There were also the Cavendish family and the Angley family, who held military power after the fall of the Russell family.

In name, the royal family of Titan was in charge of supervising the resources held by the nobles of various worlds.

However, under the operation of the world's nobles over the past hundred years, the royal family of Titan had only really existed in name. The real power had long been firmly in the hands of the four great nobles.

"That old thing from Bakka family."

The head of the Electroluk family, Green Electroluk, spoke with hatred. He smashed the cigar in his hand into the ashtray in front of him.

Electroluk stuck out his fat belly. The chair under him seemed to be unable to withstand the pressure from above. It constantly emitted creaking sounds.

For many years, the magic potion resources that his family controlled had been suppressed by the Bakka Chamber of Commerce. The head of the Electroluk family had long been resentful about this. However, he had no choice but to accept it. After the decline of the Russell Family, the remaining four families were fighting both openly and behind closed doors.

The strength of the Electroluk family was inferior to the Bakka family. Even if they wanted to intimidate the Bakka family and stop them from meddling in the magic potion business, they would only be asking for trouble. As for joining forces with the other two families.

Heh, after the Russell Family declined, the other two families took advantage of the situation to rise to power. Cavendish had originally been just a subordinate of the Russell Family.

Cooperating with such a mediocre person would only bring shame to the Electroluk Family!

"The Bakka Family has always been on good terms with the stubborn Russell Family. Now, they are unwilling to show themselves. Hmph."

The patriarch of the Angley family, Farr Angley, snorted coldly.

The patriarch of the Angley Family was a strong man who was almost two meters tall. He was once in charge of the Mercenary Guild of Titan Continent. However, after he became the leader, his luxurious life over the years had made his body, which used to be able to resist magical beasts, gradually become fat. Other than the scars accumulated over the years on his body, it was almost impossible to see a mercenary leader from his appearance.

Among the four big families, the Cavendish Family and the Angley Family hated the Russell Family the most. After the decline of the Russell Family, they quickly took action. The two big families fought in the open and in the dark, in the end, the military power controlled by the Russell Family was divided equally amongst them.

"Those who think highly of themselves. The Russell Family was the same back then. Everyone should know what happened to them."

Eden Cavendish burst into laughter.

That year, the Cavendish family secretly colluded with the Angley family, who was in charge of the mercenary guild, to ask the Angley family to force the patriarch of the Russell Family to hand over military power.

"That stubborn Russell Family refused to hand over the power, so they brought Titan City to perish together with them. Now, the military power is still firmly in our hands."

Eden raised the red wine in his hand and raised his cup to Farr in a hypocritical manner.

It could be said that the ones who caused Titan City to perish were the current Angley and Cavendish families.

Now, there were only four big families left. Among them, the wealth controlled by the Bakka family was the largest. It was said that back during the industrial era of Titan, the Bakka family had already started doing business. After a thousand years of accumulating wealth, their wealth had reached a terrifying level. Because of their business, the Bakka family could be said to be the most popular aristocrat in the Titan Continent.

Although the other three big families coveted the Bakka Family's status, the internal conflicts among the three big families were endless. No one would take the initiative to provoke the Bakka Family.

"Alright, let's not talk about the Russell Family who has already walked into the grave."

"Everyone should be clear about the reason why we are here today, right?"

Patriarch Green really couldn't bear to see Eden and Farr put on a show. He couldn't help but feel somewhat annoyed at himself for coming here.

Seeing this, Eden and Farr put down the red wine glasses in their hands.

Of course, they knew what the reason was.

Eden narrowed his eyes and smiled at the other two great families.

"The descendants of Death's bloodline are already on their way, but you should have seen it."

As he spoke, Eden turned his head to look out the window, facing the direction of the Magical Beasts Mountain Range.

The convoy that was originally being escorted from Cavendish town to the Imperial City had noticed a sudden change in the mountain range while they were resting. They had no choice but to temporarily change the escort route, so they hadn't yet arrived at the imperial city.

As for Eden himself, he had brought a few personal guards with him to escort them. He used his clan's best vehicle and replaced the tired winged wind horse at the courier station in the town along the way. Only then could he arrive at the imperial city at the fastest speed.

"The person in charge of escorting death's bloodline descendant is my eldest daughter, Rose. There are more than ten two-star soul masters accompanying her. There won't be any problems."

"However, the importance of this bloodline... the two of you present should be clear about it."

After saying that, he looked at Farr and Green with a smile on his face.

"Got it. If we can confirm the authenticity of the bloodline and safely imprison him, there won't be anything missing from the things that should be given to you," Green replied.

The souls of death were a true disaster for the aristocrats. If the bloodline of death was passed down in the Titan Continent for even a day, all the aristocrats wouldn't be able to sleep peacefully.

The souls of death were nightmares that could not be erased from the minds of these nobles.

Moreover, if they could really confirm that the youth named Chester was the true descendant of the Scythe of Death, then with him in the hands of the nobles, they would have something that the resistance could not refuse.

Why would they go through so much trouble to suppress a soul of death?

It was very simple.

The current world's aristocrats already had enough power, wealth, status, and the royal family in name.

What would the aristocrats pursue after they had everything they needed?

The aristocrats simply wanted to keep everything they had!

Back then, the holder of the Scythe of Death soul set off a wave of revolution against the aristocracy.

What was important was not the strength of the holder of the scythe.

Instead, the scythe had the ability to plant a seed of resistance in the hearts of the people!

Therefore, the holder of the scythe soul held an extremely high position and had lots of credibility in the resistance army.

This was the real reason why the aristocrats went to great lengths to bring Chester to the imperial city. Otherwise, with Chester's strength at that time, he would have easily died in a random corner of Cavendish Town without anyone knowing.

"As for that mutation, do the two of you have any understanding of it?" Grimm asked in a seemingly casual manner.

"Perhaps it's just a natural disaster. After all, who knows what happens in the depths of the Magical Beasts Mountain Range?"

Eden still replied with a smile. After he finished speaking, his gaze looked towards the thunderclouds that had almost covered the entire mountain range in the distance. A trace of viciousness flashed in his eyes.