The Chips in His Hands

"Don't tell me you really don't know what it is that I want?" Mike asked.

General Lecter's body trembled when he heard this, then he said, "I can give up on attacking Ancient Law Town, but what I want to tell you is that even if I lead the army to leave now, there's no guarantee that the Empire won't sweep in here again one day."

"What you are doing now is a completely pointless struggle, you know?"

Mike replied with a smile when he saw that General Lecter now seemed to almost be persuaded.

"General, if that's the case, then why don't you join our Lieluo Army? I'm sure you've been suffering here the past few days!"

When General Lecter heard Mike say this, his face showed a trace of embarrassment.

Seeing that his words seemed to be effective, Mike continued to pursue his victory.

"In my opinion, the entire military camp is filled with suspicion towards you. What is there for you to be loyal to in such an Empire?