The Establishment of the Lieluo Empire

Within the royal palace of Xinluo City, countless important soldiers and ministers of the Lieluo Army had gathered here.

After an entire night of discussion, Rowe and Romon finally had an answer.

After that, Rowe walked to the throne of the royal palace.

Rowe looked at the people in the palace and said, "From today onwards, the Lieluo Army will no longer exist!"

When the people below the stage heard Rowe's words, they looked at him with a dumbfounded expression and started questioning one another.

"Why will the Lieluo Army be gone? Haven't we already exterminated all the people from the Empire?"

"That's right, that's right! Leader, what are you trying to do?"

Rowe saw that everyone was confused, so he smiled and addressed everyone.

"Alright! Everyone, please listen to my story!"

Then, Rowe stood up to continue speaking.