Mike's Complete Victory

"Long time no see, Mike!"

Jasco said.

In fact, Mike did not know Jasco very well. In the face of Jasco's sudden greeting, Mike could only politely nod in response.

The gong sounded, and the game began.

Jasco made the first move and a few darts flew out from his sleeve.

Although the darts were fast, none of it could do any damage to Mike.

Mike took out his magic sword and struck Jasco with a fierce move.

The sword qi generated by the move flew around Jasco's body.

However, at the end of the move, Jasco suddenly turned into a wisp of smoke and disappeared in front of Mike's eyes.

"Is this another stunt?"

Mike said calmly.

Jasco's real body had teleported behind Mike.

A blade flashed.

A blood-red sharp blade was then aimed at the back of Mike's neck.

Mike had already sensed Jasco's aura, yet he still allowed him to attack at will.

The blade stabbed downwards.