Cacino’s Defeat

At this moment, the smoke dispersed and numerous Cacinos appeared on the stage.

Although Cacino couldn't use his hurricane skill, for a moment, Mike still could not identify the real Cacino.

"Mike, I'll let you witness the climax of this perfect art now!" Said all the many Cacinos at the same time.

It was then that Mike realized that the Cacino clones did not seem to need to be activated through his staff.

This was a kind of martial arts similar to physical training.

However, Mike knew one thing.

There was no such thing as weak martial arts, only weak practitioners.

The many Cacino clones then started to attack Mike together at the same time.

Mike could only wave his magic sword to break the offending clones up, one by one.

Then, Mike started to realize that more and more clones had started to appear.

Although they could not hurt Mike, Mike also found that he could not actually deal with Cacino either.