The Final Battle

The male students in the stands cheered happily when they saw the naturally beautiful Lansi.

"Is this Miss Lansi from the Romon Auction? She's so beautiful!"

"There aren't many people in the entire Lieluo Empire who can compare to Miss Lansi's looks!"

"If I could marry Miss Lansi, I would have no regrets even if I died!"

Hearing the words of the boys in the stands, Lansi smiled confidently and said, "Hello, everyone! I am the host of the Romon Auction, Lansi!

"I came here today to say one more thing besides telling everyone about our Romon Auction!"

Lansi suddenly stopped and said loudly, "Mike, I know you can hear me!"

All the students in the stands were stunned when they heard Mike's name, especially Allie and Senior Jasmine. Their faces instantly darkened.

"You must get first place for me! Do you understand?"

Mike's heart was in his throat. He was afraid that Lansi would suddenly say something strange.