The Next Part of the Final Battle in the Northernmost Land

Ogallas took a flying leap and easily jumped to a relatively safe distance from Addimus.

Addimus continued to look at Ogallas, although he did not seem to be angry. On the contrary, he seemed to be a little excited.

He smiled wickedly at Ogallas.

Then, he opened his mouth and spoke again.

"Is it because of the ceremony you just performed?

"Why do I feel that your speed seems to have increased by a lot? Hahahahahahaha!"

Addimus' eyes changed. He then immediately gave Ogallas a fierce look before speaking again.

"However, it's a pity! I'm afraid you won't be able to finish what you said you would do today!"

An extremely evil black light suddenly burst out of the Wand of Doom that was in Addimus' hand.

The light also shot toward Ogallas.

Meanwhile, Mike and Sally were busy dealing with the twelve Demon King Beasts.