One Against Twenty?

Chapter 61: One Against Twenty?

The entrance to Hunter Spirit Hill was a narrow canyon.

The crossroad was only as wide as three to four people, with cliffs on both sides.

The four IDs with the prefix Fire in front of them were surrounding the narrow entrance.

Two level 8 mages, a level 9 warrior, and a level 7 priest.

From the looks of it, his level could be considered second tier.

But without exception, their IDs were all red.

This was the rule of red names in the Divine Domain.

If a player took the initiative to attack a player from the same faction, their ID would be red no matter where they were.

If a player was killed under the red name state,

They would lose even more experience and money, and equipment would definitely drop after death.

The more people maliciously attacked and killed players, the more obvious the redness of the ID would be, and the more severe the punishment would be.