
And in the sky, McRae kept dodging attacks.

The roaring fireball and the sharp bow were always aimed at the place where McRae might be dodge into.

And in the air, McRae didn't even look. He could find a place to dodge with just using the sounds.

But even so, it was still not enough.

When McRae dodged the attack, he didn't look at the skill that was coming at him, but at the mage and the archer's starting movements.

In Divine Domain, all skills would have a preemptive swing, but this preemptive swing was very short.

Ordinary people would not be able to notice it at all.

Only those professional players could accurately predict skills after constant training.

And now, in Divine Domain, everyone had just played this game.

Even the professional players who had just arrived in Divine Domain could not determine the skill used by the opponent by looking at the skill's front shake.