The Two Instructors Are Going to Fight?

Faced with the Autumn who had shown a strong attitude since coming out, the surrounding students who were jeering immediately shut their mouths.

With this, it was equivalent to directly shocking everyone.

However, Autumn could stop the students with her authority, but she could not stop Old Thompson.

He looked at this newly promoted instructor, and a trace of amazement flashed through his eyes.

Too young, this demon race genius girl was really just too young.

If it wasn't for his son's future, he really didn't want to offend this genius girl.

She was so young, who knew if she would become a Saint-rank in the future.

However, young talents were still blank paper before they were realized.

Old Thompson still felt that currently, his side was stronger.

After all, one who could become an instructor in Saint Bauhinia Magic Academy had once been the protagonist of a certain period.

They were also geniuses among geniuses.