The Reward For Clearing the Fifth Floor!





Four light green wind blades struck Eddie's body.

However, just as they were about to damage Eddie, faint ripples suddenly appeared on the surface of his body.

All the wind blades that came from tricky angles disappeared into thin air.

Instant-cast magic shield.

Or rather, in this magic tower, Eddie didn't need to instant cast.

He could maintain the status of a magic shield the entire time and didn't consume any magic power.

The magic element around him was constantly replenishing his magic power.

This was also the reason why he didn't rest and simply continued to progress through the tower.

Earlier, after he stepped into the third floor, Eddie activated the magic shield to crush the magic wolves on the third floor.

Now, he was attacked by three wind blades at the beginning of the fourth floor.

Fortunately, he had activated his magic shield in advance.