Family Meeting

Jack was an old friend of the William Family.

As a tier 6 knight, he was only one step away from becoming an advanced knight.

He was strong and loyal.

Even the first heir of the William Family, Alex was learning from him.

From this, one could see the respectful attitude of the William Family towards this middle-aged knight.

The few people standing by the side bowed to Family Head Lowe as well.

"Greetings, Family Head!" The blonde girl, Lisa.

"Greetings, Family Head." The heir, Alan

"Greetings, Family Head~" The red-haired teenager, John.

The moment they saw Family Head Lowe, they immediately bowed.

This was to show their respect for Family Head Lowe, as well as their respect for the William Family.

The three of them had different expressions and tones when saying their greetings.

The girl, Lisa was a little more polite.

Alan was a little more ritualistic.