Arimbi immediately opened Jesica's bag and took Jesica's cellphone.

"Here, you give me the number and I'll call it."

Jesica grabbed her cell phone and showed her father's number. Actually, Zalina could directly call Damian. But, of course if she did it would make Damian and Arimbi suspicious. Wasn't she unconscious for 2 months?

"Your father will be here soon. Sorry, we opened your wallet to see your identity," said Arimbi. Jesica nodded, "It's okay. I'm sorry, I was so absent-minded that I didn't realize I was walking on the highway."

"Are you in trouble?" asked Zalina.

Jessica looked at Zalina. Somehow she felt like she recognized those eyes.

"I-I was having a fight with my husband. And, I wanted to go back to my parents' house. But, I was a little lost. And, what happened next is as you all know. I'm sorry."

"Never mind, it's okay. The important thing is that you're okay. Anyway, I'm Arimbi and this is my boss Zalina Maharani."