Denny immediately approached Herawati and stroked his mother's shoulder.

"I'm sorry, if I'm presumptuous..." said Zalina quietly feeling guilty.

"No, Lin. We never brought this up, because we felt like we were desperate. When we were born, Arista's twin sister was kidnapped. We've tried to look everywhere, but so far there's never been a trace. So, we're trying to be sincere. and stopped looking for her when Arista was 7 years old. So, since then we have been trying to accept the fact that our only child is Denny and Arista. It's really hard, isn't it, finding traces of a newborn baby. Moreover, the hospital facilities are not as good as now, equipped with CCTV cameras and others," answered Herawati.

"Owh, it's only right that Riris never told me that she had a sister."