A Mother's Love Is Infinite

His love is beyond the depths of the ocean

As high as the blue sky as big as the world

A Mother's Heart Is Endless, Eternal

After the blue emotion subsided, Herawati looked at Zalina lovingly.

"Thank you, son. You have brought Adriana back to this house," Herawati said in a trembling voice.

"I didn't do anything, Mami. God made me an intermediary. All of that is good karma that Mami has sown herself, and today Mami is reaping what Mami has sown," replied Zalina.

"So you're not working today, Lin?" asked Hardiyata.

"Incidentally, Mbak Riris and I are going to the POLDA this afternoon for the case that Mbak Riris gave me, pi. I don't know, last night I suddenly had a strange dream and couldn't fall asleep again. Likewise with Dominic. Maybe this is a sign," said Zalina. .