Making peace with the heart
Damian held liemey's hand tight. Cold sweat had descended down his forehead. For the past two months he has tried to prepare to meet deswita. He felt unprepared, but as he tried to turn his body, liemey shook his head.
"I'm with you sweetly" he said softly. Damian took a deep breath and then blew it out slowly.
A nurse opened the bedroom door in front of them slowly. Damian flinched as he looked inside. He saw the woman who had given birth to him sitting on a bed gazing up at the heavens in her room. His gaze was empty, his body seemed to lose weight.
"Ms. Deswita rarely eats, she only eats if she is fed and not much. Every day, she just stared out the window or to the ceiling like that. If the nurse takes her out of the room, she will sit only near the rose garden in the corner."
"Will he talk?" damian asked.