Not part of the family

Shailendra and gita looked on each other, they saw nwal's face clearly blurred.

"Nawang, say hello to lina, come in without greeting," retort gita. Nawang would immediately shut his mouth and immediately go over to zalina and hug her. "Oh, I'm sorry, sister. I didn't know about sister lina," said Nawang Wulan.

"Ken, you also greeted sister lina," said shailendra looking at her youngest daughter. So Anna hurried over to zalina and did the same with nwal. "Excuse me, my dear. It's Ivan and cantika. Dad, would it be all right if they joined us? Ken didn't know that sister lina was coming tonight," he pee and glanced at Ivan as still standing.

"It's a family dinner, but it's okay to be a guest on a special occasion. Isn't it, pa?" said gita.

"Yeah, come on. have a seat, Ivan. This is uncle's future daughter-in-law, arjuna's wife," affirmed shalailendra.