Nawang looked at Ivan with fierce.

"You will stay longer behind all over if you do not want to admit all your www," Frans said. Yes, because the Zalina conditions are not possible, the Sayilendra family appoints Frans as their law.

"Initially, I was just asked to tease Kencana and fuck her. After that, when I was going to scient with I had to make a video. The video will be used by Cantika to squeeze Arjuna to make it a second wife. But, then I also have another plan. I'm planning to marry Kencana. So I can live with good and also get Shaylendra Corporation stock."

"You do not have a conscience!" How long will you take advantage of my sister's goodness! " Nutan's empty exclaim.

Almost he again hit Ivan if Frans did not hold him.

"Patient, Nawang, do not let him sue you for the persecution later."

"Right, Mbak, you must be patient," said IPTU Danu who handles the case of Ivan.