
After waiting for the ultimate trial of Ivan and Cantika would be started today. Nawang had time to extend the Endang who stared with the vanity.

"My son will be free soon, just look at it," he said to Nawang.

"Oya? Are you sure you'll see it, the law is not blind," said Nawang Wulan with fierce.

Endang also immediately discarded and he immediately entered the courtroom. As per the request of Syailendra and the Seller, the family is done closed. No media crew who covered. SYAILEndra did not want his family's name to be polluted and he also keeps it not much that knows the evil in Ivan and Cantika.

"So you see for himself that brother Ivan gives the drug to Sudari Kencana Wungu and says that the drug is as a drunk pounder?" asked Rusdiantoro, Cantika's family lawyer to Lucky.

"Yeah, I see it myself because Ivan gives in my eyes."

"Are not you wrong? You are not in the bribes to say this, is not it?"