"Krisna Putra Syailendra," said Arjuna firmly.

"Nice name," commented Khanza. Seeing Krisna already asleep in Zalina's arms, Gita slowly approached. "Can you carry me, Lin?" he asked. Zalina smiled slowly as she handed Krishna in Gita's arms.

"He looks a lot like Arjuna when he was little, his nose, eyes, only lips are similar to Zalina's," said Gita, looking at her granddaughter lovingly.

"Yes, of course it looks like me, Ma. Do you want to be like the neighbors," said Arjuna.

After being satisfied carrying Krisna, Gita immediately handed it over to Khanza who immediately welcomed him with joy.

"Tomorrow, I will make herbal medicine for you. And, for a month, I will take care of you and put bengkung for you every day," said Khanza. Zalina immediately patted her forehead. She remembered that when Arsy had just given birth, for 40 days her mother made herbal medicine that smelled very bad and also used a corset.

"Mom, you can wear a corset," said Zalina.