Everything is so bright after crossing that portal sheenu and harsh see a big and great wall and there's a huge gate and when they realize that they are standing in front of a kingdom's gate so they decided to go in that kingdom and explore but suddenly harsh think about there's power and they don't even know how to use them so he said no we can't go in without knowing how our power working and how much we have to hold back and what we can do if we're in danger so we have to try how it work in empty space so they see there's a forest in there left side so they go there and then harsh said old man said our holy and dark spirits help us in every way so let's try how it work so harsh said holy spirit come out and nothing happen and then he said holy spirit show me yourself then they are waiting but it didn't show so then sheenu said I think that old man memories is not good enough for remember to tell us how to use our powers it's feel like we are stupid children which have a super cool toy but don't know how to play and after said that he lying on ground and said I feel sleepy and close his eyes and he see there's a black and blue shade cloth fairy and she said I am your but you have to making a contract with me for summoning me and he ask how I can make a contract she said you just have to give me a name and contact complete. sheenu said that's all she said yeah so give me a name so sheenu said you are so cute and I feel like vinny yeah maybe vinny is sweet name for you because it's also just like you cute and tiny then she was blushing and said it's nice so contract complete now I always be with you and help in every situations then sheenu open his eyes and harsh was looking at him with really angry look and said are you crazy( in loud voice) how can you sleep in situation like that and if we don't know how to use our powers and someone attack us then we can't do anything sheenu said sorry bro I was just tired a little bit that's why I talk a nap then harsh said I am the one who's trying so hard for summoning our spirits if you think we should go easy so why don't you try to summon your dark spirit then sheenu said you know I see a dream just about this topic I mean I see a fairy and she told me If you want to make a contract with me so you have to give me a name so I give her a name harsh said O really(with really angry look) so which name you give it to her and did she tell you how you can summon her. sheenu says am I don't really remember she tell me or not how to summoned her but I give her a cute name vinny don't you think and suddenly she appears in his shoulder then harsh said there's a fairy on your shoulder(with such a excited face) then sheenu said yeah it is that fairy so harsh asked that fairy how can I summon mine holy spirit then she said close your eyes and focus on your heart then harsh close his eyes and he saw there's a bright light appear and there's a whight and red shade cloth fairy appear and she said you spend all noon on summon me with many weird types(in angry voice ) but you didn't try to focus at all then harsh said why are you so angry and overeating type then she said I am born with your aura so if you have complaint with me so you have to look at yourself first I am your aura and powers appearance then harsh think is am I that annoying then he said that you are a appearance of mine and you are a fairy right so maybe your name is hafy so do you like it then she said with a little bit embarrassing and angry face that you just Marge your and mine name and you called your brother lazy don't you think you're more lazy then him can't you be more creative then harsh said what about harshi then she said I am okay with hafy so contract complete from now on I gonna help you with with everything so you better be in manners then harsh said yes ma'am (with annoying look)then harsh open his eyes and said hafy so she appears and said I am not free right now so called me later so he said ( with angry look) you are so free don't show me attitude she said tell me why you called me he said we wanna know how to use our powers so she said you just have to imagine it which power you want to use and how you want to use and for your help we can be always in your help and we can give you a vision that you can see the options of your powers like a video game then sheenu said it's gonna raining soon dark clouds arrive so maybe we have to spend a rainy night then harsh asked to hafty how you know about video games she said I am born with your aura and your powers and I can say I have your own memories also so I can do it for you so give me that vision she suddenly disappeared and there's bright light and he see there's some options on side of the element powers with video games screen type so harsh said can I use any power of mine so he listen hafy's voice she said don't try using your powers more than 1% so because you don't know how many destruction you can make so be careful. harsh said I don't think it's that much powerful attack and select air pressure option and wave his hand on 1% and there's a super cool air pressure cut all the trees which is in range of that air slash and it's clear the all the clouds which was ready for rain and sheenu got shocked and said if we can't control our power then we really end up killing someone so harsh asked to hafy is there a option that we can use our power less then 1% I mean I don't want we end up losing control and killing some innocent people so she said yeah there's a options that you can use your power on neutral so you can use your power by thinking how much you want to use it so he said let's try and then he strikes on a tree with focus so he just only cut a tree which one he want to then harsh said sheenu why don't you try to use your power so sheenu also use his vision but he didn't use his power for attacking he see there's so much trees which is cut off so he use his electron power option and separate all the atoms of trees and Marge it by making a big royal house of wood and harsh was suprised and said when did you learn that you can manipulate electron and atoms then sheenu said when you are making a contact with hafy and then hafy said no one can see sprites just that person can see sprites who have one so you don't have to worry about that someone see us or not then harsh said why you think I am worried that someone see you

hafy said never mind in angry voice so harsh said tomorrow we are going to start our journey in this kingdom and explore it so take a good nap buddy sheenu said you too buddy tomorrow morning we have to find out how to enter in this kingdom so for now good night that's it for today for next time THE KINGDOM OF GODESS

see ya
