castle of imperi.

castle's name is imperi.

[ the gigantic door in front of him opens slowly. ]

of you would master starline , please go to the center of the main hall in front of you there is a crystal stall in the center.

please pickup the crystal staff and complete the registration.

Kenneth thinks that it will be just a formality and he goes and picks up the crystal staff.

when he picked up the crystal staff he got a / felt a surge of energy in his body.

then in few seconds he got a notification from the game / system that he had received some new ability and he is been granted the the title of master of imperi.

for the next 270 days he trained to get used to the movements of the character and master his newly acquired powers/ ability.

270 days In the game is equal to 1 month in the real world.

and that means his leave from the school has been expired.

but Keenan hasn't fixed his mechanical leg because of fena keeping on eye on him.

[ for the whole month fena haven't let Keenan come down of his bed except for the nature call ofcourse. ]

and now when it's the time to head for the school Keenan can't walk without his mechanical leg he had to take a week extra

to fix and improve the mechanical leg a bit.

[ he needed to upgrade the mechanical leg so it won't break that easily as it broke before. ]

he made use of the aluminum stripes and some steel ones to make it lighter and more durable .

it took him whole week day and night combined to make it.

he haven't slept in the week and because of that he caught a cold but he recovered in our one night rest.

[ Monday morning]

next day he got ready to go to the school.

when he left the house he seen fena waiting for him because fena had student council work and club she left always way earlier than him.

so he was amazed a little bit.

when he asked fena about it she said that she don't want him get hurt again and the teacher appointed her take care of him form now on.

and mom also intrested him to her.

first day after a long leave gone as normal and even smoother because fena helping him.

Keenan thought because fena is around those guys who beat him didn't show them.

at the afternoon school bell rang and school got over fena and Keenan both walked home together .

they got home while in the way they got some supplies mother wanted them to get.

they got home a bit late because of the detour of the super market.

when they get home they gave the supplies to mom and went to the room to complete the home work / assistant they got in the school.

they even went to the cram school together so mom felt relieved.

when they came to the home form the cram school they both had a bath after one another.