Chapter 024

"So. How was the test?" asked Roger as the four members of Cherry Grove walked out of the test center.

"Aced it," said Joseph arrogantly.

"The same," said Alex.

The other two did not say anything but looked confident regardless.

"It looks like all four members will pass at least the first stage of the PIT this year. Glad to see your trips to the Pokemon Center's computers weren't in vain. Let us go back now. The results will be out in 6 hours or so. We can check it on my phone in the evening" said Roger.

Since the first round was mostly multiple-choice and one-word answers, and since there were 5 million applicants in Kanto alone, the correction of answers was done by a computer programme. The results would be posted on the examination website 6 hours after you had given the exam. If there was doubt about the marking of your examination, you were required to wait until the week was up and the questions and answers were publicly revealed, verify that you had given the correct answer and make an appeal on the website for recorrection.

You had to pay a fee for the recorrection process, but it would be fully reimbursed if the computer program did make a mistake and your appeal is valid. This could be done in the one week gap between the second and first rounds.

The five of them went back to the orphanage, reviving the cheers of the younger children when they arrived back. While they did not yet know the importance of the PIT, all of them knew it was something they had to attempt in the coming future.

The four eldest children of Cherry Grove, walked into the study room to discuss the exam.

"So those are all the questions I can remember. I did answer questions about Bellosom's evolution, Bulbasaur's typing and Gyarados's weakness wrong, but still, I should be able to easily pass" said Jack.

"I still can't believe you though Bulbasaur was a pure grass type. It is the Imperial Grass Starter of Kanti for god's sake. How could you not remember it is a dual-type of Grass/Poison?" questioned Lily in disbelief.

The three Imperial Starters of a region were the fire, water, and grass trio of the region that were considered ideal starter Pokemon.

They were called like this because they were easy to raise at the start, obeyed trainers without much training, had three stage evolutions, of which the third stage would be very powerful, and had short growth cycles.

A regular trainer could easily evolve an Imperial Starter to the third stage within a year, and it would be a pretty strong Pokemon by then.

The three Imperial Starters of Kanto were the three starters in the game, Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle. Each region's Imperial Starter was prominently recognisable.

"Just leave it. I did make a mistake, and won't make it again. I will pass the exam anyway" said Jack, waving his hand.

Joseph and Alex were quite confident that they had got all questions right, while Jack thought he had 3 questions wrong. Lily said she had probably gotten 4 questions wrong. Based on the previous average score for passing the round, which was 91.1, they had definitely all passed even if they missed one or two questions without their knowledge. Hence they were not at all nervous or worried.

Now, they were more focused on the second round, which Jack and Lily were not completely confident about passing.

They spent the rest of the day studying with small breaks. Alex and Joseph were less invested in this since they had more solid knowledge in theoretical matters. Instead they studied videos of Pokemon battles, to identify characteristics of Pokemon. They also agreed to go around town and see all of the Pokemon of any trainers they come across up close, and quiz each other on it for experience.

At 4 in the evening, Roger walked into the study room. All four of the children stopped whatever they were doing and looked at him.

"Who will go first?" asked Roger handing over his phone.

Alex took the phone and typed in his registered examination number. After a few seconds, he grinned, and showed the phone to the others.

Alex Burns


Score: 100/100

The others congratulate him. He handed the phone to Joseph, who proceeded to enter his number.

Joseph Rodriguez


Score: 100/100

Amidst the congratulations, the phone was passed to Jack.

Jack Walter


Score: 96/100

"One less than I expected, but above the pass line at least" he muttered as he passed the phone to Lily. She typed in her number.

Lily Clover


Score: 97/100

The four looked at each other smiling. Their scores were well above the pass line. They definitely passed the first round.