Chapter 036

Above all, the main benefit of accepting the second option is to get the tutelage and possibly become a confidant of Professor Oak. THE PROFESSOR OAK!

As he remembered in his previous life, Profesor Oak only appeared in the Kanto and Johto games. In the anime, he was mainly making appearances to transfer some Pokemon left by Ash. But here, he was not just that. He was a Champion of Kanto, who retired in his prime, an elite Pokemon researcher, a very well connected, and a very powerful person. Strength, knowledge, riches, influence, connections, and resources, any category you pick and compare the top dogs, the name Samuel Oak will be in the top 10 of that list globally.

With Professor Oak supporting him, he did not need to worry about anyone doubting his source of knowledge and deciding to use Psychic Pokemon to read his mind and memories. Yes, they could do that here.

He could safely work under Profesor Oak, slowly show off his genius to him, use the knowledge from his previous life, make fame and fortune for himself, and then peacefully, unworriedly, and in hurriedly start your travels and have fun.

So all he had to do was decide if he wanted to be a free and adventurous pauper who struggles to feed his Pokemon, with junk, as he did not know what the proper food to feed them is, as he makes a living hand to mouth, risking his life to fetch rare resources and sell them to some arrogant rich kid, all the while evading the evil gangs he offended and the young master who wants to know how he identified the Pidgey and Ratatta with such high potential, and seeing if he could barter the evolution of a Pokemon for his safety, or if he wanted to live a hard and overworked but fulfilling life, with all kinds of knowledge, connections, opportunities to turn evolution knowledge into cash, all while living under the protection of one of the richest, most influential, most powerful, and well-connected man in the world.

On second thought, Alex thought the decision was not that hard.

"I'll take it! The job as a research fellow I mean" yelled Alex, barging into Professor Oak's office.

"10 seconds. That was quicker than I thought" said Professor Oak.

"Now, let's go. You missed the tour of the lab, and I promised you could take it later. I still have to talk to each of those kids later, but I have an hour to spare before that is due. So let me take you around the lab" he said.

Alex nodded. Professor Oak led him around the lab, and showed him the various sections. There were dozens of sections, each with a couple of researchers busy at work. And each section contained dozens of sophisticated looking machines. He gave a quick rundown of each section. There was a berry analysis section, a fossil Pokemon characteristic section, a Water Pokemon water analysis section, an Energy stimulus array section, and a dozen of such confusing and complicated sections. Alex now understood why Professor Oak told him he couldn't join his research. Because for the things being researched here, he knew diddly squat.

But thankfully, his bullshitting skills gave him a much better job offer.

After a brief tour, Professor Oak said, "That's it for now. I have something that I need to attend to now. The other children who came today must be in the ranch at the back of the laboratory. You can join them there, and go have lunch and rest in the guest room. I will have to prepare some things for you. So don't have anything else to do today. Tomorrow, after every one of those kids has left, I will get you started on your work."

"Now, I have to go, but I will leave you at the ranch first" said Professor Oak.

"Professor, if you are busy I can go by myself" said Alex.

"Yourself? You don't know where it is right?" he asked

"Not exactly, but there was a sign on near the aroma section that said 'This way to the ranch' I guess that's the way right Professor?" asked Alex.

"You noticed that small sign? Also, do you know how to get to the aroma section?" asked Professor Oak.

"Sure" said Alex, jumping at the chance at making an impression. Left from here, and then straight down until you pass the Fire-Water-Steam reaction section, then right, then down, then left. And in the four forks that come after this, you take the fork with the green water cooler with the word 'Gazelbo' on it and go straight in it until you reach the aroma section" said Alex confidently.

Alex had been remembering the way and making a mental map in case he got the chance to impress Professor Oak.

Professor Oak looked at Alex, stunned and said, "Right. Did you remember all that?"

"I have a good memory" replied Alex seriously.

"You even noticed and remembered the colour and brand of the water cooler" said Professor Oak.

"I have a very good memory" replied Alex.

"Very good. I am growing more and more convinced that my decision to offer you the position as a search fellow was an excellent one. See you tomorrow Alex" said Professor Oak smiling, as he walked away.