General Info

I was requested by many to explain some details of how potential and training work, so this chapter does that.


The colour of potential goes from Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange and Red, from highest to lowest.

The colour represents a range of potential. Two Pokemon with Blue potential may actually have different levels of potential.

This is manifested by displayed colour shade. For example, Deep Blue > Regular Blue > Light Blue.


The training represents, as it appears the training undergone by Pokemon. It applies only to Pokemon with an evolution left, and the training of fully evolved Pokemon is displayed as N/A.

The training can range from 0% to 100%.

0% is totally no training. Only Pokemon that find their evolution stone or when Pokemon force themselves to evolve this will lead to evolution. The Pokemon that evolve this way will be weaker than the average of their species, and have virtually no chance of improving.

60% is the minimum needed to naturally evolve without any bad consequences. But the higher the training before evolution, the better.

100% training will leave the Pokemon with the most optimum conditions for and after evolution.


Below level 10 is the Baby Stage. While Pokemon at this stage can barely fight, it is not recommended. Takes a month or two to pass for not Pokemon, except for some with a slower growth rate. Level 9 is a small bottleneck, after passing which the Pokemon reaches the cusp Novice Stage

Level 11 to Level 30 is the Novice Stage. Bottleneck at level 19 and level 29. Beginner Pokemon, takes a few months to pass.

Level 31 to Level 50 is the Veteran stage. Takes a year or more to pass depending on the growth rate. Bottlenecks at level 39 and level 49.

Level 51 to Level 70 is the Elite stage. After this stage is they are truly strong Pokemon. They can usually easily defeat Pokemon below this stage even with a type disadvantage. Bottleneck every 5 levels.

After level 70 is the Heavenly stage. Pokemon growth rate slows down incredibly at this point and nearly every level is a bottleneck of its own. Heavenly stage Pokemon severy outclasses those which are not.

Level 90+ is the Champion stage. Very powerful.

More details will be added after it is covered in the story.