Chapter 65: Changes.

Six months later.

Around the coliseum.

A woman with long white hair, light blue eyes, and pale skin was looking at the coliseum, which was in a degraded state.

She was wearing a modern Maid dress:

"Finally, that creepy killing intent has disappeared," She circles around the coliseum and focuses her attention on the structures:

"Amazing~... How did they manage to destroy this structure? I see several high damage resistance magic enchantments around, and yet the structure has been compromised." She spoke in a beautiful voice that sounded like the voice of an angel.


She puts her hand on her chin, "Hmm... I think it should be time anytime now."


"..." The woman looks to the side and sees a Maid with oriental features.

"What-" She was going to say something but couldn't because the Maid turned her face away.


"..." The woman was speechless.

"Can you at least try to hide your annoyance?"