Chapter 135: They provoked the wrong monsters.

"Ugh, master went out again, and didn't take me..." Kaguya spoke with a slightly irritated face.

It was because of this attitude of Victor that Kaguya believed she should always keep an eye on him. She felt that every time she looked away for a bit, he'd disappear! He seemed like a lost child!

After using his Charm on the leader of the Assassins and discovering the enemies' locations, Victor and Scathach left without saying anything to anyone.

"Tsk, these insects." Kaguya looked around with eyes glowing blood red at the Assassins who had been frozen.

She was a little irritated and wanted to take her anger out on someone. Luckily there were some frozen punching bags nearby.

"Hmm... What happened, Kaguya?" Pepper appeared along with Siena and Lacus.

"... Intruders, but my master and Countess Scathatch have already taken care of them." Kaguya returned to her neutral expression and spoke.