Chapter 351: Welcome to hell.

Chapter 351: Welcome to hell.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to my humble abode."

Looking at the tall man who had just arrived accompanied by one of the Maids responsible for capturing them, everyone immediately recognized him.

Victor Alucard, more commonly known as Alucard, was the Youngest Vampire ever to become a Vampire Count and the Vampire who had enough balls to openly challenge the authority of the King of Vampires.

Choosing the moniker of Alucard was basically an act of defying the King's Authority. He was a supernova on the rise, something like the Beatles of the Supernatural World.

... Of course, he didn't have a good image like the Beatles.

In fact, he was quite feared for his insanity. And people who didn't have skilled informants or weren't very deep in the Supernatural World were only privy to rumors or leaked information like the games he'd played in or the kind of people he was around.