Chapter 436: Dotings Fathers.

Chapter 436: Doting Fathers. 

"Vlad, the decision is up to you now." Scathach suddenly spoke after the moment of silence.

"...." Vlad looked at Scathach.

He fell into a moment of silence, organizing his thoughts, the information he had from his acquaintances, and his plans.

'Honestly, my plan was very different from theirs. I just called them here out of formality... But I can't ignore their ideas now, they're all very good.'

Initially, Vlad just planned to do as usual. He would make his plans and not inform the Vampire Counts or the high-ranking people of his country, but after remembering the events of the past and Alexios's sermon,

Vlad decided to call the Counts to discuss this matter, but internally, he had already decided what to do and had treated this meeting as a formality.