Chapter 491: The Maids I Love So Much.

Chapter 491: The Maids I Love So Much.

"Which guests are you talking about, Aphrodite?"

"My friends from the Norse Pantheon, the Goddess Freya and the God Loki." She replied calmly as she walked towards the bathroom's exit:

"I'll keep them busy; talk to you later." A pink power appeared around Aphrodite as she quickly disappeared. She reappeared at the entrance to the basement, and when she came out of the basement, she immediately teleported to another place.

"...." Ruby narrowed her eyes when she heard what Aphrodite said.

'More Gods? Wasn't dealing with one Goddess complicating enough? And even more, these are important figures.' Ruby felt her headache coming from miles away.

"Fufufu, don't think too much, my daughter. Or you will go crazy."

"...You seem quite calm for someone who has just heard that more Gods will appear in the near future, Mother." Ruby narrowed her eyes a little.