Chapter 709: 'Enemy' of Humanity. 2

Chapter 709: 'Enemy' of Humanity. 2

Fortunately, this common 'enemy' was only labeled so by the ignorant and fearful masses.


For Beings living in the Supernatural World since its beginnings, Victor was a new powerhouse, a possible ally or possible future enemy who could make waves in the great game of influence.

The Pantheon Leaders weren't fools. Even if they decided at the next gathering of Supernatural Beings to try to 'hold Victor responsible' due to him being the New King of Hell who 'started' all this trouble,

They would also be labeled as liable due to their respective Hell's involvement, which prevented each of them from being able to act in time.

And even if they tried to force that situation to happen,

It would not happen because the most righteous Beings, like Shiva, The Heavenly Father, and The Warden of Limbo, would side with Victor and Vlad himself, who was Victor's ally.