Chapter 832: A being beyond the cosmos.

Chapter 832: A being beyond the cosmos.

"... What's happening? Where is this Energy coming from?" Albedo narrowed her eyes as she created several Magical Circles in front of her.

She looked curiously at the portal as her Magic picked up several alerts.

"It seems that one of the scenarios I envisioned is coming true," Albedo thought. "Someone on the other side is also powering the portal."

Just as Albedo sensed this change, Evie wasn't far behind.

"Maintain formation! Don't lose track of the Energy flow!" Evie quickly ordered.


"Reduce Energy production and prepare to use countermeasures if necessary!" Evie slammed her staff on the ground, and several Magical Circles began to appear throughout the room.


"Emily, you know what to do."

"Yes, Mother," The little girl nodded as her eyes took on a pattern of various Magical Circles, spinning as if coming to life.